Chapter 12 - New Rules

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Jack Garraway read through the case file in his hands. He leaned backwards in his chair without taking his eyes off the file.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully, his eyebrows furrowed as he read. His blue eyes kept switching between the medical examiner's report and the first detectives, Jones and Treeman's, case notes.

The British transferred detective inspector, was put on the case shortly after Jasper Wells escaped. Jack didn't even know why he got the case, he was barely in this city for two weeks when he got put on the case.

He read through Treeman's report once more, A concerned neighbour reported seeing the bloodied Jasper Wells ,son of deceased, leave the house in a hurry. Call came through: 15:03 pm

Jack switched his gaze to the medical examiner's report again, Time of death: Between 11am and 1pm

Jack leaned over his desk again, he dropped the case file and rested his pointer finger on his lips in thought.

His eyes took in the lamp on his desk, and moved to the empty dark office. "Why did he leave between three and five hours later? Why didn't he clean up in that time? He was found wearing a shirt full of blood. He must've wanted to clean up…." Jack said out loud to himself.

Jack looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, he had to squint his eyes to read in the faint light. Finally he made 22:45pm out.

He sighed, something didn't click. Something wasn't right. Jack's hand went to the computer's mouse. He clicked on the Wells household security footage.

A dark background appeared with text that read, No footage available

"Hm." He clicked on the day before the murder, immediately the screen showed the Wells gate, the front door and a partial view of the street.

"The footage was deleted, but by who? This Jasper kid doesn't seem like the tech type." Jack spoke out loud to himself again.

Jack reached out to grab his coffee mug, he took a sip of the dark and bitter liquid. He grimaced as he swallowed the ice cold coffee.

"Blehg." He let out a disgusted sound and out the mug down again. He ran his fingers through his black hair and pushed his glasses up his nose.

He was hit with another idea but that would have to wait. Unfortunately you can't go to neighbours houses demanding to know if they had security cameras and if so, they had a view of the Wells's gate.

Jack grabbed a pen out of his pen holder, which was actually an old coffee mug, and scribbled in his notebook.

He let out a growl when he discovered the pen ran out of ink. Turning around in his chair, he grabbed a pen off a colleague's desk.

He smiled in satisfaction when the pen had ink. He then quickly made the note, °Find out who was the neighbour who 'reported' seeing Jasper

The phone next to him rang, so he dropped the pen and picked the phone up. An unexpected yawn came just as he was about to speak.

"Chief Storm requests to see you." A sweet feminine voice said.

Jack's tiredness immediately faded away. His eyebrows shot up, his eyes widened a little, and his mouth formed a small 'o'

"Now?" He questioned, he took off his glasses and rubbed his one eye. He could feel a headache forming, the fact that he didn't eat probably wasn't helping the case.

"Yes," Damien Storm's secretary answered in an adenoidal voice,"Within the hour would be appreciated."

"Okay." Jack said, closing his eyes, he held the bridge on his nose,"I'm on my way."

He hung up the phone and put his glasses back on. Standing up from his chair, he did a quick stretch because of his tense muscles from sitting for hours on end.

Leaving the office, Jack was sure to grab a snack from the vending machine before heading up to the chief's office.

He devoured his granola bar in a short time. He quickly disposed of the wrapper and pushed the glass door of the waiting room open.

The secretary with the adenoidal voice nodded at him and indicated for him to go through. He gave her a small smile which she didn't return.

Jack sympathized with the poor girl, she probably just wanted to go home. Instead she had to be here, working after hours, hopefully she'd get that extra pay.

Jack opened the door, the golden plaque reading, Chief of Police Damien Storm.

Jack closed the door behind him as he stepped into the room.

"Ah," Damien Storm turned away from the window he was looking out of, into Jack's direction when he entered the room."Thank you for coming in at this hour, Detective Inspector Garraway. Please, take a seat." He indicated to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

With a nod, Jack took a seat in the uncomfortable dark green chair.

"I need you to put the Wells case on hold." Chief Storm's voice held authority.

Jack's eyebrows shot upwards, he leaned forward in his chair,"With all due respect Chief Storm, why on earth would I do that? As I understand, this is a very high profile case, it is the mayor of the City that was killed."

Chief Storm nodded,"I know that, it's just," he paused, seemingly looking for the right words,"certain circumstances made that this case cannot be further looked into the old fashioned way. I can tell you that I cannot disclose details. But I know that that won't stop you from finding out the truth."

He stepped away from the window and took a seat at his desk, he leaned forward folding his hands,"This case, is not the typical case you'd get in Britain." Jack raised an eyebrow at that,"This case has something to do with the supernatural."

"Someone with powers is involved?" Jack questioned, even though he had only been in the city for a short time, he knew about the superhero invested city. You'd have to be deaf and blind not to.

Chief gave a curt nod, his lips on a tight line. He opened his mouth to speak but Jack cut him to it,"You're handing it over to the superhero organisation aren't you?"

Chief Storm laughed,"Do you know why I put you on this case in the first place?"

Jack shook his head, so Chief Storm continued,"You're smart enough to actually do your job."

"Then let me do it." Jack interjected. Chief Storm held up a hand silencing him.

"I know you don't think Jasper did it and neither do I. Whoever is behind this, is too big for us to handle..."

Jack opened his mouth but Chief Storm gave him a look,"...Alone."

He smiled at Jack,"You'll help PHO, it will be the first time The supers and a detective will work together on a murder case. But it's time,"He looked down to his hands,"for new rules."

"If Chief thinks it's for the best, I'm all ears. And thank you for not kicking me off the case." Jack said.

Chief Storm gave another curt nod,"But remember no one is to know of this."

Jack agreed."Of course Chief." Chief Storm nodded and stood up from his chair again, he walked over to the window looking out like he did when Jack came in.

"But first." He began,"We focus on the storm coming." He looked out to the already brewing storm over the ocean.

He glanced over his shoulder,"It's gonna be a bad one."

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