Chapter 11 - SOS

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"You bit someone?" Adrian asked, his voice raising up a notch.

Kiara shrugged, jamming her hands in her pockets. Her eyes trained on the floor and not Adrian in front of her.

"You can't just go around biting people, Kiara."

Jasper nodded, finally giving an input after saying silent for most of the conversation,"He is right, you shifted in front of a young child…"

Kiara's green eyes snapped up to meet Jasper's before making eye contact with Adrian,"Tough for the kid then. It's a toddler anyway, the kid won't remember shi-" She cut herself off knowing the scolding she'd get.

Nonetheless, Adrian opened his mouth but Kiara held up a finger,"Do not," emphasizing the word, 'not',"Tell me to watch my language, you're not Captain America."

Adrian laughed,"I do have superpowers though. That dude was just frozen. He's got nothing on me."

Jasper could've sworn he saw Kiara crack a grin before she covered it up with her usual neutral expression.

"So,"Adrian drawled,"Have you gotten rid of some of your anger?" Jasper turned his head to see an emotion of care flash through Adrian's grey eyes.

Kiara shrugged, slouching on the couch,"I guess." A wicked grin stretched out on her lips,"It was pretty fun sinking my teeth into that guy's-"

"Okay! Thank you no details needed." Adrian quickly interjected. Kiara raised a brow.

"Gee dude, what do you think I bit? I bit his bloody arm, and I know you didn't think that. Because you're not that sensitive to gory details."

This time it was Adrian's time to shrug. "What'd you bite him anyway?" Jasper asked.

She glanced to the side, a sigh leaving her lips before she answered the question,"He insulted my wolf. No one insults my wolf."

"But,"Jasper began,"What made you shift then?"

Kiara rolled her eyes, sighing again as she tapped her feet. "Look when's the interrogation gonna be over?"

"You're bored of this conversation aren't you?" Jasper observed, it was Jasper's turn to talk. Adrian remained suspiciously silent.

Her eyes met Jasper's,"Oh," She faked a smile."How could you tell?" She rolled her eyes, letting out another exasperated sigh.

Jasper nodded, a small smile on his face. He patted Adrian on the shoulder and indicated with his head to the far side of the room. Adrian understood the silent message and complied.

Once out of earshot Jasper told Adrian his plan. Kiara watched them with a frown gracing her lips and narrowed eyes.

Jasper began walking to the exit of the lounge, before he left he saw Adrian returning to where he stood but instead of standing like he did, he went and took a seat next to Kiara on the couch.

Jasper quickly found who he was looking for. He told her about the newly formed plan, she nodded and followed him back to the lounge, turning invisible as she did so.

When Jasper returned to the lounge with an invisible Violet hot on his heels, he raised his eyebrows at the sight of the two on the couch.

The air was electric with intensity, Jasper wondered if the electric feeling had something do to with Adrian's powers.

The pair was in the middle of an intense stare off. Jasper walked towards them yet they failed to notice.

Behind them, Jasper saw how Kiara's phone was lifted out of her bag, seemingly floating in the air.

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