Chapter 5 - Fireboy

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An air horn going off made Jasper fall off the couch with a thud. He grumbled under his breath and looked around sleepily.

"Adrian?" He squinted seeing Adrian standing in the door holding an air horn. And next to him, " Mrs. Storm?"

Ariana Storm wearing a professional work outfit. Her dark hair styled perfectly and her makeup making her appear years younger than she actually is.

"Good morning Jasper, darling. Are you ready for your training?" Her dark red lips smiled.

"Training? What training?" Jasper leaned against the couch rubbing his eye.

Ariana looked at her son crossing her arms," You didn't tell him?"

Adrian grinned, " Well you know I wanted too but I kinda forgot."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, " Well Jasper, I'm the head of Python Heroes Organisation. Now before you say anything. I am the CEO of a cosmetics company. But I'm the head of PHO too and today you're gonna start training." With that she turned on her heel and walked to another room.

" You coming or not?" Adrian asked, Jasper nodded and quickly stood up. They followed Adrian's mother to the training area.

Jasper looked around, there were punching bags, treadmills, other training equipment and in the center two stairs leading up to a platform. On both sides of the room, there were doors leading to other rooms. Two on one side and one on the other.

Ariana stopped next to the platform, she placed her hand on her hip and looked at Jasper,"Alright, you say that you had a burning sensation when the smoke appeared?"

"Yes." Jasper nodded fully awake.

"Right-" Her ringing phone cut her off," oh sorry I have to take this." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and walked towards the door.

" Wait, mom how are we gonna train him. We've never had a pyro before." Adrian said.

She turned to him slightly holding the phone away from her ear," I don't know, figure it out." She dismissed him.

"Yes, I'm here about that-" Her voice faded as she walked away.

"So….." Jasper trailed off bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Adrian sighed, " Well, every cobra should know basic fighting so when they lose their powers for some reason they can still fight."

Adrian went up the stairs," This is the fighting platform. Are you ready to fight?"

Just as Jasper was about to reply Kiara came walking in phone in hand and ear phones

" Yo Kiara! Want to punch someone?" Apparently he caught her attention because she looked up and pulled her ear phones out.

" What?" She asked wrapping her earphones around her phone.

" Wanna punch someone?"  Adrian asked again.

She immediately smiled," Always, who am I fighting?"

" Jasper over here." Adrian grabbed Jasper's arm and pulled him onto the platform.

Adrian walked off the platform as Kiara went up and stood in front of Jasper.

" Show me what you got, Fireboy." She switched to a fighting stance.

Jasper shook his head," I'm not gonna hurt a girl."

Kiara's smile dropped and turned into a glare, her eyes narrowed." You underestimate us. You think we're weak, pathetic and-"

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