Chapter 7 - Drunken Confessions

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Violet woke to the sound of a heart monitor beating near her. She opened her eyes and remembered what had happened.

She knew her intuition never lied to her. She felt the presence of her sister nearby, Lily, she thought.

In fact the presence was so nearby that it was right next to her. Her violet coloured eyes widened when she saw her sister was sitting next to her, Lily's distress clear on her face.

Her youngest sibling threw her arms around Violet's next and pulled her in for a hug, careful not to hurt her.

"I was so worried! Dad heard but he's still in Thailand he was so relieved when I told him you'll be okay. Mom didn't come to the hospital, you know how she is, she doesn't believe in hospitals and all that. Rose was just as worried as me, but her classes made, that she couldn't come. And Jasmine, she's busy with that beauty pageant.…" Lily trailed off at the end of her sentence her eyes cast downward.

"Don't worry," Violet said calmly," I'm okay now. But you skipped school?" Violet wasn't mad, Lily could see it in her eyes. Although her sister rarely got mad, she looked more amused.

Lily nodded shyly," I wouldn't be able to focus on school if my sister got shot and I don't know if she's okay. I homeschool anyway, so I'll just catch up later. One of the pros of homeschooling is that the hours are flexible."

Violet nodded in agreement, she was homeschooled herself so she knew exactly what Lily was talking about. Then she scrunched her nose in thought."Wait, how did you find out I was hurt?"

"It was all over the news and the government sent a sms to notify the city that a hero has been injured. The sms wasn't very clear on details, just said a hero was shot and that's it. The reporters gave a little more information but when I found out it was you.." Her voice cracked making her stop talking.

Lily fought back the tears but failed making her lower her gaze to the floor. She embarrassingly wiped her tears with her hand and gave a short laugh," Gosh I'm such a pathetic mess and you're the one who actually got shot. How can you be so calm?"

"Hey," Violet sat up in her bed and reached out to take Lily's hand in hers," You're not pathetic, you're reacting the same way any person would in a situation like this."

"And me being calm, panic won't get you anywhere. You should learn to stay calm in a crisis, if you're calm in a bad situation you train yourself to be a calmer person. And it encourages you not to react on emotion, but on logical decisions."

"Wow, that's the most words I ever heard you say." Lily joked," But those are really wise words.

Violet shrugged, not really having anything to say to that.

Lily bit her lip." I met your friends. They're really supers, they're just as cool as you."

Violet laughed,"You'll be a super too."

"Really?" Lily looked unconvinced," You, Rose and Jasmine have powers and I'm already sixteen and nothing."

"Good things take time." Violet told her.

Lily nodded,"I guess," She looked at the clock on the wall," Visitors time is almost over so I better go. Your friends already left after the hospital staff literally had to kick them out but they let me stay, because I'm family. "

"But the other member of the cobras didn't come. Strike? I think that's his name, all the others were here though."

Violet nodded,"Go get some rest."

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