Chapter 3 - Superheroes

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Hi! I know this chapter has to undergo major editing. Unfortunately I didn't get time this week to edit it, but I PROMISE I will edit it soon. I promised myself it will go up on Friday, and here it is :)

Enjoy! And stay safe!

(Psst, sorry I know you thought you were rid of me but I'm still here.) Adrian's car above :)


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Jasper grimaced as the smell of air
pollution hit his nose. The wonders of the modern world. He thought to himself.

Jasper sat at the side of the dark road waiting for his best friend Adrian Storm to come pick him up.

After Jasper finally found out where exactly he is. He called Adrian, to his relief, his best friend didn't think that Jasper's a killer.

Jasper briefly explained what happened but there was no need as Adrian had already heard on the news.

Jasper heard the hum of an engine while the car was still a distance away. A few minutes later Adrian's blue sports car pulled over next to Jasper.

Jasper stood up brushing dirt from his jeans. Adrian exited his car to greet Jasper.

They gave each other a side hug and their own signature handshake.

"Are you sure it's fine? I'm seen as a criminal now you could go to jail for helping me." Jasper said unsure.

"Nah, I know you didn't do it. What kind of friend would I be if I just told you I don't know you? Come on let's go," Adrian said walking to the driver's side of the car.

"Go where?" Jasper asked following Adrian to the passenger side.

"You'll see,"Was all Adrian said climbing into the car.

"Your father is the police chief I don't think your house is the best place for me," Jasper said concerned.

"That's not where we're going," Adrian started the car. Within seconds they were going down the road.

Silence filled the air Jasper too sorrowful to speak. Then Adrian decided to speak.

"How are you feeling?" Adrian didn't really know what to say.

Jasper looked at his shoes, " Honestly? Nothing. I feel absolutely nothing. Wh-" He cleared his throat," Sorry. When I found them I panicked but now, now I just feel numb. I didn't even cry." Jasper answered.

"How'd you escape? It's pretty impressive to escape a police station." Adrian took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at Jasper.

"The weirdest thing happened. They were interrogating me and they started accusing me. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was like all of the day's events come crashing down on me all at once. I just snapped. I got this weird burning sensation all over my body. I could see a bright flash although my were closed. When I opened them again, both detectives were knocked out. To my relief they weren't dead. I didn't know what happened," Jasper shook his head confused, "The whole precinct was knocked out and there was this mysterious smoke lingering in the air."

"I then decided to pay no mind to it and just get out of there," Jasper finally looked at Adrian after his rant.

Adrian had a smug smile on his face,"You my friend, have superpowers,"

"What? You're crazy, why would you think that?" Jasper's asked in disbelief.

"Mysterious smoke, burning sensation. Clearly it has something related to fire." The knowing smile still present on his face.

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