Chapter 26 - Ash to ashes, dust to dust

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"Blasted." Laurent muttered, sitting in his lush chair gazing at the television displaying the news. Or more specifically, someone who made the news with his speech.

Laurent knew very well who was behind all this. He had to give credit to Sam, it was smart. The boy used his head for once.

Laurent knew it wasn't needed to use his middle name anymore. Yet he always liked his middle name more. Everyone knew who he was, everyone knew that it was Axel. The generous billionaire always lending a helping hand who's about to terrorise and kill the residents of the city. Who would have thought?

Laurent smiled, leaning back in his chair. He was glad for Sam's little stunt. It made everything so much more fun. Of course taking the residents of the city by surprise was down the drain but Laurent had plenty of things planned that would make up for the setback.

Afterall, Sam couldn't tell them what exactly Laurent still had up his sleeve.

Laurent grinned wickedly to himself at the thought, he couldn't wait. He couldn't wait to see the empire these morons had built for themselves up in flames.

And he couldn't wait to finally meet Jasper.

"Ax, ax they're going to leave the city. They're being evacuated." Someone said from the door, Laurent turned his head to see a young agent, what was his name again? Jordan or something. Oh it doesn't really matter, he'll end up dying anyway.

Laurent shrugged,"That's alright, it doesn't affect the plans."

Jordan nodded reluctantly before disappearing, no one except Laurent himself knew his plans and with that he was quite happy.

Jordan barely left when he returned again, winded."Ax, ax, the police are in the building. They're coming up the stairs as we speak."

Laurent shut his eyes for a breath moment,"And you couldn't tell me this earlier?"

His only reply was an open mouthed Jordan. He waved a hand dismissively,"Just go, I'll take care of it."


"It's a threat, Jasper. It's a threat to the city and its people. Of course everyone's being evacuated."

"I understand that! Really, I do. But don't you see? He wants panic, he wants chaos. He wants to see people scramble around like ants. And why can't the heroes stay? Why do we have to go. Who's going to fight them when they come?"

Adrian opened his mouth,"The poli-"

Jasper glared at him,"Don't you dare say the police, Adrian. With all due respect to your father, they won't handle them alone. It's going to be a bloodbath. Half of these agents of Laurent's are new, they're inexperienced and if they're not going to get themselves killed then they're sure as hell going to get someone else killed."

Adrian sighed, the glare of the morning sun doing little to ease his growing headache. "I know, there's no way that I'm leaving. But the mayor is demanding that every hero leaves the city."

Jasper stopped pacing to glance at Adrian. His blue eyes on fire,"Does she even know what's going to happen? Either she's naive or she's just plain stupid." A lone car drove past Jasper on their way to the one of the overpacked highways.

The city wide evacuation order was sent out thirty minutes after Laurent's speech. The atmosphere was electric with fear as people rushed their loved ones and their most beloved belongings into their cars. More than a few minor car accidents had taken place, people were cussing each other out and tempers were running high. It was plain and simple, they had no idea what to expect and whether they were ever going to make it to the next sunrise.

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