Chapter 21 - A Royal Past

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"So you guys at least found something!" Sky said munching on her fry."We got nothing, not a single thing! Zilch." She unhappily dipped another fry into her ketchup.

Jasper shrugged,"Yeah, at least we have something to go on."

Kiara threw her braided hair over her shoulder in a frustrated manner, today it was annoying her more than most days. After her hair battle she said,"So these people, homeless people are drugged. Some of them survive the dosage and some overdose."

Adrian nodded, entwining his hands together as he sat crouched on the chair,"Those whose bodies are too weak to handle the dosage die, those strong enough…"

"Might gain powers." Kiara finished his sentence, in which he nodded to her with a smile.

Sky spoke up after she devoured another french fry ,"How do we know it's not only that one girl that got her powers? Or maybe in her drugged state she forgot she had powers?"

Jasper shook his head,"She didn't forget, she didn't have them. They were new to her, foreign, strange.  And why only her? Why would all the others die, or be unharmed and unpowered and only she has powers?"

Violet nodded her head, agreeing with him,"It wouldn't make sense, she isn't alone. If all the homeless are gone, those who aren't dead have powers."

"Now who would want new superhumans? Is this some experiment?" Kiara asked with a stutter, after she mentioned the word 'experiment'.

"Someone who wants new recruits. Someone who could get close enough to them to drug them. And doing it when the storm hits, it's the perfect cover." Mike answered, piping up from the back of the room.

"I hate to say this but," Jasper paused,"they're bloody smart."

"Too smart." Kiara gritted out, her eyes glaring at the floor imagining its the person behind all this.

Jasper shuffled his feet, looking down to his hands in thought. He spoke while he lifted his eyes to look at the rest of the group,"But why did the same happen-the overdose- to Harper, the guy I talked to?"

Sky scrunched her nose,"He wouldn't take a drug that gives him superpowers or kills him, when he already has them."

Kiara lifted her eyes from the floor, staring in front of her at nothing particular,"Unless they- all the people who join this group,"She paused when she tried to remember the name.

"The Wicked ones." Adrian offered with a smile.

She nodded thanks to him,"Yes, the Wicked ones. What if- now don't tell me I'm crazy- but what if they get some trigger switch injected into them, voluntary or involuntary, when they join this group. When the leader, the master mind decides it's time for them to go then,"She snapped her fingers.

"Lights out." Adrian finished off, he nodded impressed with her theory.

Jasper gave a brief nod, he liked this theory,"If that's the case then. First, whoever is in charge with have to have some remote controlled device that can inject this drug within a certain radius and second, the dosage will have to be so strong that death with be inevitable or the drug works in this way that with the person already has powers when they take the drug, they would die no matter what."

Violet got up from her seated position on the floor and walked over to the back of the couch Adrian and Sky were seated on. She touched the couch feeling the soft material under her fingers,"This dream you had Jasper, the girl with the anchor tattoo?"

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