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The next morning, I woke up and went out of the room suddenly the house seems so quiet

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The next morning, I woke up and went out of the room suddenly the house seems so quiet. I look around and can't even notice anyone. Where are they?

"Good morning" a husky voice from behind. I sighed knowing who will it be. I turn around to face and yes the asshole.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, looking down.

"They all are in the strategy room, Taeyong asked me to check on you so I did. You're fine right? So okay" he heads back to the room. Why is it so hard for you to talk nicely to me?


"Okay so this is the plan, yall know how powerful EXO is? They are professional with guns and sniper. So I'm guessing we are on the same level as them. Once we arrived there, we will split into three teams understood?" They all nodded at what the leader said. "and Mark... you're the best sniper in this team and among mafias? I believe in you"

"Ay Captain, you can put the trust on me" Mark smirked.

"Good, all of you may get ready... we will leave in 20 minutes" all of them get up and started to pack their stuff and weapons and wear their uniforms.

"what should I do in this big house?" I put my chin on my palm, wondering what to do. Then I heard the boys are walking downstairs, I quickly get up from my seat and walked towards them. "Are you guys going somewhere?"

"We have mission y/n, sorry for not able to tell you early" Haechan said. I nodded and just smiled

"It's okay, I wish you all the best and come back without getting hurt okay?" They all smiled and walked out to the van.

"Y/n.." Taeyong called me. "Hmm, Jaehyun will stay with you when we are out" what? Left us alone? Again? "So, I hope you can— he whispered to me —make out with him" fuck Taeyong! I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. "Ouch! You should be thankful otherwise he won't stay..."

"Geez... whatever, just go" He smirked and walked away.

"You have any plan?" Ask Jaehyun.

"No" I replied and help myself to the kitchen to eat something.

"Want me to cook something for you?" I face him and shake my head as no and walk away from him. What's wrong with him. I pulled out a cup of ramen from the cabinet and pour hot water into it. I sit down waiting until it's done. 

After done eating, I make my way outside to get some fresh air suddenly got stopped by Jaehyun. "What do you want?"

"You seem to ignore me... Why?" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"what if I am? what are you going to do?"

"Why are you ignoring me? That's the question..." I ignored him and walk away from him. Geez! The fuck that man want? "I'm not done yet y/n" I pretended to not heard him. "CHOI Y/N!" his loud serious voice make me stop pulling the door. I gulped, I slowly turn around to face him. His facial expression change.

"What do you want?" my voice cracks, fuck! He walked towards me and there is only left a small gap between us. He locks the door

"Don't make me feel impatient on you..." he grab my hand and head his way to the stairs. I free my hands from his.

"What the hell are you doing? you want to lock me in the room? So that I can keep begging you to open it? as like I'm not ignoring you? What? Like that?"

"What are you talking about?" He walked closer to me.

"Just stay away, don't get too close" he raised his brow. I rolled my eyes and began to speak about how I truly feel. "You know Jaehyun, you like a wheel, a wheel when there are only two side.. flirty, sweet, caring and on the other side cold and asshole. If I twist the wheel it got on the soft side, But then the next day If I twist the wheel it got on the cold side. I don't understand Jaehyun. I'm confused. What are you? Don't you have feeling?"

"What do you mean by that? Feeling?"

"I don't want to waste my time by arguing with you, just to be honest I like you, and yes I love you. Don't you get it?"

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