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Jaehyun POV

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Jaehyun POV

It's been 3 days, I can't do anything since Taeyong is preparing a plan and there is still some works we haven't done. I should go now, y/n must be in pain. I can't let them hurt y/n. Shit! I stand up from my seat and face Taeyong.

"What Jaehyun?"

"Let me go alone..."

"What? No! It's too dangerous for you to go alone"

"Taeyong! It's freaking three days already and we have done nothing. We keep ourselves busy with undone works. How about y/n? HOW?" Taeyong only look at me and sighed.

"I know... I'm sorry Jaehyun, I'm still trying to figure out how to break into the place. It's not easy and I have been there once. The security is too tight. I can't let my team member got hurt even tho I know we all are strong and powerful but he is an ally with Skz! Remember that! For sure skz is there too!" I clenched my fist after heard the skz. Before I could talk, Taeyong continued "but now I do have a plan..." he smirked.


The red guy then throws me inside this one room and I'm still blindfolded. I could feel the floor is warm and sure I'm inside a big house. I heard a cough "wow... your body and skin looks more glowing than I saw from the picture" I freeze, who is this man. He pulled me and throw me on the bed. My heart is skipping even faster. He started to touch my skin and cheeks.  "We met before and that time I was so shocked Minho got a daughter but too bad your father ruined all my plan and he cancels the agreement between me and him. Agreement of taking the company... no wonder he deserved to be dead" he evil laughed. I can't believe what this man said, he has no mercy at all.

"You're beautiful... don't worry I won't do anything hard for you" what he said makes me more scared. He's so creepy. is this Taeyong's father? I could feel a kiss on my neck, he kisses my neck and unblind me and take off the tape on my lips. I look at him and I can see Taeyong face in his.

"Taeyong doesn't deserve a father like you!" I shouted.

"But well he... useless— he got more closer to me and whisper — I want you now!" I gulped. He started to kiss my neck again and left my neck a hickey. I cry. I try to avoid getting a kiss from this old man but I can't. He untied me and grip my hand so I can't move.

"LET ME GO YOU OLD DIRTY MAN!" He then slapped me.

"If you want to see your friends again, listen to me and let me do anything I want, or else your sister also will die!" He said. I cry as he continues to do bad things to my body. He abused me, he hit me, and even kick me. Whenever he felt satisfied with abusing me he will continue to kiss my neck, touch my body where he likes. I feel weak, I can't do anything. I feel like I'm about to die. Jaehyun please... where are you?

After he has done everything the old man left me inside the room. I have been waiting for Jaehyun for three days, nothing has happened. I begin to feel like I'm going to die. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a gunshot from outside.


Jaehyun and the rest of the members are preparing things and ready to go as Taeyong plan. They stop at the nearest forest surrounding Taeyong's father's house. They split into two teams and used the shortcut to get inside the house. "We found the door!" Taeyong said to the others on the walkie-talkie.

"We found another door here!" Yuta's voice can be heard from the walkie-talkie. They break the door and quickly walked inside. They scanned the house and Jaehyun spotted the members of another mafia group. Jaehyun got close to the guy and aim his gun at the back of his head.

"Lead me to y/n..." Jaehyun said. The guy only laughed and start to twist Jaehyun hand but Jaehyun caught his action and twist his hand to the back and whispered "just show me the way Changbin... or else I have to kill you!"

"You think it's easy huh Jaehyun?" He evil laughed. Changbin throws a punch at Jaehyun but Jaehyun avoided it. Changbin quickly runs upstairs.

"Taeyong, I will go upstairs..." Jaehyun roger Taeyong. On the other side, Winwin, Yuta, Taeil, Haechan killed every single security inside this house without mercy.

"This for y/n..." he shoots one of the security twice "and this for being an asshole" he fired another one to the security. All of them dead, lying on the floor.

"What we have here, the 127... it's nice to see you all here" a deep voice, a blonde hair, Felix. Felix then begins to fire a gun towards them along with seungmin and I.N beside him. Haechan avoided the shoot and hide to shield himself.

"Mark... you there?" Haechan said

"I'm here... I see it..." mark observed everything that happened in there at somewhere that no one can see him. He aimed his sniper at Felix's head "this happened when you don't let me snipe someone" he pulled a trigger and headshot! Felix dies on the spot and the rest of his members were confused about where the shot came from. "I thought Skz is powerful?" Mark thought.

Winwin runs towards the stairs and shoots Seungmin and I.N with both guns in his hand. He smirked when both of them fall. "There you are" Winwin look at the voice and it's Taeyong.

"Hyung... aren't skz is powerful? Why do I feel they all are so easy to kill?" Winwin spins the gun through his finger and Haechan laughed.

"Of course it's easy to killed when we are more powerful Dong Sicheng!"


Jaehyun POV

I walked the same way as Changbin went and I found a room. "Y/n must be in there," I thought.

"Well well look at here, who is this? Jeong Jaehyun has come to save his girl. How romantic it is" I stared at the red hair guy and its Bangchan. I noticed there are Hyunjin and Changbin behind him.

"Where is y/n?" I aim the gun at him

"No no! you want y/n? Drop the gun..."

"If I don't want to?", Bangchan smirked

"Then we have to torture her..." torture? They did something to y/n? "You want to save her? Drop the gun Jaehyun" I stay calm and drop the gun slowly to the floor.
"Good boy... now boys!" Hyunjin and Changbin quickly aim their gun and shoot luckily I avoided it and take the gun back and begin to shoot them.

"What's that sound?" Jungwoo asked, all of them scanning the house and focus on the sound.

"I bet it's Jaehyun, this way!" Doyoung leads the way and they all can hear shooting sound. Doyoung and Taeyong went upstairs and see that Jaehyun got shot on his shoulder. "Jaehyun..."

"Cover me!" Jaehyun said. Taeyong and Doyoung nodded as Jaehyun try to break the door. Once he breaks it he saw y/n. "Y/n!"

// thankyou so much for 3k readers ㅠㅠ 💚

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