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After 2 hours of struggling with what the password is, I still couldn't find the clue

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After 2 hours of struggling with what the password is, I still couldn't find the clue. "Oh... I think I get it now, try 7777"

"7777? Okay..." Jaehyun clicks on the enter and the file finally open. I feel relieved seeing it's got unlocked. "Why is it 7777?" Jaehyun asked

"Well Hm, it's my favorite number.." I giggled. Jaehyun just nodded his head and focus on the laptop screen. "Wait.. what is this? It looks like a picture" I pointed to the screen where the picture is and Jaehyun double-click on it. I gasped.. my jaws dropped with what I saw. "I-is this... r-real?" I slowly make face to Jaehyun. Jaehyun holds my hand as he continues to examine the picture and other stuff inside the file.

"I think this is what Taeyong's father wants and he also wants your company.. your dad's company. This all is evidence, evidence of what Taeyong's father did and I bet he killed your father because of this. He kept it securely inside your necklace and he gave you it because that old man didn't know about your existence but since now he knows already he will try everything to get to you and kill you... and this picture... this picture prove enough that he is the cruel person in this world. H-he raped girls an—"

"That's enough Jaehyun... I don't think I can continue to listen to it..." I quickly get up and run towards the bathroom. I locked myself in there trying to make myself calm. It makes me feel want to vomit seeing the picture.


"Jaehyun? What's wrong?" Taeyong saw y/n was running. He looked at Jaehyun in confusion.

"I bet you don't want to see this..." Taeyong walked quickly to Jaehyun and Jaehyun show him the file.

"w-what? ... is this my father? I mean this picture and this picture... also he got himself a scandal? What the fuck with this old man... and what with y/n?"

"This..." Jaehyun clicks on the picture that makes y/n feel nausea and Taeyong jaws dropped too. "He did this Taeyong..."

"Fuck.. this old man! FUCK! I feel disgusted being his son! SHIT!" Taeyong kicked the chair and slammed his hand on the table. "So what now Jaehyun, you have any plan? And wait... is this the reason y/n's father dead?" The anger took over Taeyong's body, the anger that never showed before.

"I assume it is a yes... this could ruin his reputation Taeyong and I guess y/n's father collected all of this to take your father down... let's call for a meeting" Taeyong looks at Jaehyun and he agreed to call for a meeting.

// I'm sorry if the previous chapter and this chapter is short because I wrote these when I have free time last year during my exam days and it was in the draft T^T I will try to make it long!

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