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A knocked on the door enough to make me awake from my sleep, I look to my side and saw that Jaehyun was already gone

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A knocked on the door enough to make me awake from my sleep, I look to my side and saw that Jaehyun was already gone. The knock on the door is still going. "Who?" I asked.

"This is Winwin y/n... just want to inform you that Taeyong is awake" my eyes widened, Taeyong is finally awake. I grab my hairband and tied my hair. I quickly get out of the room and straight to the medic room. Finally, with my own eyes, I see that Taeyong is with Taeil laughing. I'm so happy that I can't control my tears. The door to the medic open and I slowly walked towards Taeyong.

Taeyong saw me and his eyes widened, "you awake..." I said. Taeyong looked at me only give me a smile which I pulled him into a hug. "I was worried about you.." my voice is shaking. He rubbed my back to calm me.

"It's okay y/n, I'm okay..." I don't know why but my tears won't stop. "Hey! Stop crying! Okay?" He wiped my tears and we giggled. Taeyong asked Taeil to leave us alone for a while and there is us alone in the medic room as sister and brother.

"Are you feeling okay now?" He nodded.

"How about you? How are things going with ehem your crush?" He teases me. I slapped his arm and rolled my eyes.

"Hmm unexpected things happened but I can't put 100 percent hope on it..." I look down as I play with my fingers. "And where is Doyoung? Is he okay?"

"He's fine, he is downstairs with the others" he replied

"And why aren't you downstairs?"

"Hm just want to rest more... well now mind to help me downstairs? I'm hungry" I help Taeyong and we walked downstairs.

All of them are happily chatting and joking with each other. This morning is so full of happiness, I love seeing this. Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to see Jaehyun is making a hand sign pointed out somewhere meaning that we need to talk. I stand up and followed Jaehyun. "What is it?" I asked.

"Hm Taeyong said to me that we both can check what is in this USB... he said to look at it without him so after you have your breakfast... meet me in the meeting room" I nodded and before he walks I stopped him.

"did you have your breakfast?" He nodded as in yes and walked away avoiding my eyes. Why?

After finish breakfast, I go to the meeting room like Jaehyun said and saw him laying his head on the table. Is he sleeping? Is this because of me? Does he lack sleep?

"Why are you standing in front of the door? Come in" this man is weird, he got four eyes or what? "I already check it, and there is this one file... but the file needs a password, do you have any clue?"

Hmm, what password could it be?

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