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"Good morning sunshine!" I crack a smile after hearing that

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"Good morning sunshine!" I crack a smile after hearing that. "I heard what happened yesterday and I'm sorry I didn't go to you as soon as you arrived... I just have some difficulty accepting what is happening, you sister she's a bit-

"I know, I know it's hard. I feel the same too, it just that I can't believe she betrayed me just like that. I thought we could reunion together as a family but it seems like it's not going to happen" I sigh. I play with Jaehyun's hair and smile at him to make him less worried or stress.

"Taeyong just received a message a few minutes ago, they want me."

"what do you mean?"

"They want me to come alone and deal with them and then they can let you go."

"Jaehyun, are you going to believe that? They will kill you!"

"I know, that's why we have a plan..."

"what plan?"

"you know dreamies? they are part of our mafia gang too but just in a different unit"

"well, I think I heard about them? so you're going to tell me they will go they and keep an eye on you instead of sending your 127 squads?" Jaehyun nodded "Then, I wanna help too!'

"w-what? no! no more risking your life!"

"Hey, Jaehyun... I'm part of your squad now right? and I also have a job to do. What is the main purpose train me like a mafia, shooting, fighting, and all when you don't want me to help you? that's not fair!" I pouted my mouth, he should know that I did a really good fight back then when I got kidnapped.

"she's right" someone interrupts us

"Jeno? what are you doing here? I thought you will be arriving tomorrow?"

"well, I'm just excited to see someone who took your heart" he giggles. "The rest is on downstair, Taeyong invited us to have breakfast together lol what is wrong with that leader a sudden attitude change" I burst to laugh.

"looks like you don't know taeyong that much" I smirk. Jeno rolls his eye and walks downstairs.

"You should eat, you probably didn't get to eat when you were there" he brushes my hair. How lovely it is if once all of this settles, I want to spend my time more with Jaehyun.

"The more I know you, the more you change huh?" Jaehyun reaction is a bit confused.
"I'm just saying you're not that cold person who I knew back then, you changed!"

"well, y-yea because y-you teach me"

"teach what?"

"how to love" ohmygod is he ever this cute?


Tomorrow came, Jaehyun goes to the place where they want him to go alone. No guns, no knife just him with the USB. Jaehyun wanders his eyes around and smirks after he spotted something.

"You finally came!"

"Lee Know... long time no see"

"yes, long time no see you too old friend. How are you? you seem in a difficult situation huh? ouh and I forgot to introduce you to someone. This is yina, you both probably know each other already. She is part of us, she doesn't mean to betray you but you guys just trusted her that much haha" Lee Know laugh, his laugh makes Jaehyun annoyed so much.

"are you sure you're alone?" Jaehyun stares at yina, a cold stare where Jaehyun wants to kill yina so bad but can't.

"I'm alone..."

"well--" Yina brings out the gun from her back and aims for jaehyun leg. "Maybe if I shoot you, it's good enough to believe you're alone" she smirks.

Jaehyun just stood there doing nothing, no signal but just waiting for yina to shoot him. "Then, you can shoot me"

"but the leg is not the best place to shoot, I should aim for your head then"

"WOW WOW, yina relax just teach him a lesson." Lee Know said, without hesitation yina shoots at Jaehyun's leg and Jaehyun is groaning in pain.



"what's that sound?" Did I hear a gunshot, is Jaehyun alright? is he the one who gets shot? my mind is asking so many questions.

"calm down y/n, I'm sure nothing is happening to him" Jeno comfort me and I stay focus on my job

buzz buzz! a walkie-talkie signal


"what Jaemin"

"He got shot in the leg" I turn to Jeno as soon as I heard that, I knew he will get hurt.

"We need to do  something!" I look at Jeno

"We can't y/n, there no signal yet from Jaehyun. If we go now everything will mess up!" what should I do? think!

"Jeno, you have an extra knife?"

"what are you going to do?"

"trust me!" Jeno looks at me, he is feeling hesitant to give me the knife but in the end, he gives.

"now! Renjun can you follow me?"

"where are you going y/n? just stay here!" I ignore his words , he grabs me by my waist and now we are facing each other face so close. He looks at me and his face begins to blush. I try hard not to laugh because it must be his first time doing this to a girl. I push Jeno and tap on his shoulder.

"do you have a solution? Jeno? if no then let me do something. If we just let Jaehyun gets hurt, he might lose a lot of blood. Don't you think?" Jeno keep himself silent "I take it as yes then Renjun lets go"

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