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"What's her deal? I mean how? Who is she? Is she the one who killed my father?"

"Y/n, there's a lot of things you need to know but we can't explain now. We have to find a way to get out from this place" Jungwoo said.

BANG BANG!! A gun sound. What's happening out there? There is so much shooting sound. I'm getting anxious. Suddenly, a loud sound came from the basement gate as they're trying to break the gate code. Do they found out where we are hiding?

BAAM! "There you are!"

"Taeyong hyung! You're back!" A tear dropped from my eyes, feeling glad that they are back. "Taeyong hyung, we have to take y/n out from this place, they want her!" Haechan said. Why? Why is it always me?


"Stop! Don't move" Jaehyun aim his gun towards someone.

"Finally, the hero is here! How are you Jaehyun! Don't you miss me?" Evil laughed came out of her mouth.

"I don't have time to miss you, Karina!" The leader of the Aespa Gang. "Did someone pay you? to kidnap the kid?"

"Kid? She's becoming an adult Jaehyun. Well as you said, someone did pay us a lot so we just do what our clients want. They pay, we work for it" she smirked. "and, why it is so easy to track all of you? Haven't you try to make your system more protective?"

A small giggle came from Jaehyun, "liar! Everyone in this world knows how protective our system is and there is no one successfully hack our system yet. Don't liar Karina, you and your members are weak! Like the old you" Jaehyun provoc her.

"SHUT UP! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET KILL JUST FVKING GIVE HER TO ME!!" "GIRLS NOW!" As soon as she said that, all light turns off. Only Left with darkness. Karina just stood there clueless, calling her members, no response. It took about 20 minutes until the lights back. Jaehyun and the rest of the members were gone from her view.

"Sh!t Jaehyun, don't play around show me yourself, coward!" She said, not knowing that Jaehyun is already at her back aiming
his gun to her head

"Your members dead by the way, only left you here.." he smirked.

Jungwoo brought me to the front, he thought it's already ended but it's still ongoing with the fight. I saw with my own eyes, how serious Jaehyun is and the fact he aims at her head, is he really doing that?

"Sorry Karina, I never miss you and any last word?"

She turns around to face Jaehyun and her words are "I love you"

I love you? Is sh—

BANG! He headshot her. Blood is everywhere just like the scene in my house. I'm sweating again, my heart keeps pounding like there is no ending to it. My eyes are shaking, I hold Jungwoo hand tightly feeling about to fall. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He sounds worried. I gulped and my breathing becomes heavy. "Should I call Taeyong? Y/n? Your body is shaking, wait here" he let me sat down on the cold floor for a while, my eyes move to find Jaehyun but he wasn't there. The dead body also nowhere to be found. Did he move to somewhere else?

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Taeyong run towards me, "you're sweating a lot, why? Anything happened to you?" This Taeyong, he looks so worried like I'm his sister.

"I'm fine Taeyong, maybe the blood.... reminded me of the scene in my h-house." he patted my head

"It's okay, I will take you out from this place to somewhere else that no one will find you after we clean all this stuff you will back here" somewhere else? Far away from here? "I know, there are a lot of questions in your mind, but first we have to get you out. Jaehyun will explain later.."

"Wait.., Jaehyun?"

"Why? Jaehyun will take care of you while you are there" Ah I see

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