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Taeil and Winwin quickly bring Doyoung and Taeyong into the medic room

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Taeil and Winwin quickly bring Doyoung and Taeyong into the medic room. I walked inside and saw Jaehyun is talking to Jungwoo and Yuta. I just stood there waiting until they finished talking. Jaehyun saw me waiting for him. After finished, he walked right away to me. "What?" He asked. I take his hand and pulled him outside of the mansion.

"Did you... killed him?"

"Sehun? What do you think?"

"I-I don't know... did you killed him?"

"You can just say that I threw a big punch on his face and his body." I feel relieved that he doesn't kill Sehun, why do I feel relieved?

"So what are you guys going to do with that old man?"

"Well we gonna talk with him later, I already said to Yuta so maybe all of them are in the meeting room right now." I nodded as I understand that. I take a look at my hand and saw that I'm still holding his hand, I slowly remove mine from his but he quickly catches my action and holds my hand tightly. He intertwined our hands and it makes me feel blush.

I look at him, he just smiled while looking at the hands. "Soft"

"You like me Jaehyun?" I look directly into his eyes. He looks confused with my question. He let go of my hand and I knew it, of course, he never has any feeling for me. The kiss was only to satisfy him. "No answer? Okay," I fake smiled and walked inside the house. To be honest, it's hurt me but I can't cry right now. I can't show him that I'm weak. I'm not a weak girl.

I walked into the room and it's 7 pm, I have no mood to go to the meeting room so I lay down on the bed without changing the uniform ( already took off the vest ) and pulled the blanket to cover my body. There are so many things inside my head but I can't handle answering them so I end up falling asleep.


Jaehyun walked into the meeting room and see all of them already settle with the man and ready to send him back to his house.

"Where is y/n?" Mark asked.

"She's inside the room, maybe sleeping..." Mark raised his brow as he noticed how Jaehyun voice turns into a deep confusing sad voice.

"What did you do Jaehyun?" Jaehyun looks at Mark with a questioning look.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, what did you do to her? Your voice.. is different" Jaehyun quick to fix his voice and shake his head as no. Mark only laughed and gone from Jaehyun view. Jaehyun scratched his head and walked to his room. He then saw y/n face glowing from his view.

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