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I sit down on the bathroom floor, trying to process what I just saw, then I heard a ringtone outside the bathroom

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I sit down on the bathroom floor, trying to process what I just saw, then I heard a ringtone outside the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom and happen to see a phone ringing on the table inside my room ( aka Jaehyun's room ) I look at it and it's an unknown number, should I answer it? I take a peek outside the room and see all of them are having a meeting. Without hesitation, I answered.


"Ah... is this y/n? I didn't expect you to answer Jaehyun's phone." He chuckled

"What do you want?" I asked in a serious tone.

"I want you y/n and there is something of you that I want to so I could destroy it..." What the fuck is he saying?

"What?.... what do you mean?"

"Don't act stupid, I know you know what I'm talking about... the USB, and I want you to bring it to me, don't ever try to duplicate the USB... I give you 2 days and you have to come alone or else say goodbye to your dearest sister"


"Aww poor girl, the world only knows your sister's existence but not you... why would your father keep a secret y/n? Because you're not his real daughter and him ashamed of you" he evil laughed. Ashamed? Is it true?

"and please come to < address > make sure you're alone or else... you know what happened" the man hang up the calls. My eyes are tearing

"Hello? HELLO? Fuck Shit!!!" Tears dropped, I can't help myself but think about what should I do? Should I tell them? How can I take the USB and all? Suddenly, there is a slammed on the door. I jumped to the back, surprised with a sudden action. It's Jaehyun, his face looks so angry.

"What did you do y/n?" He sounds serious

"W-what did I do?" I look confused.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I... nothing" I wiped my tears. Jaehyun slowly locked the door and walked closer to me.

"you answer my phone call did you? and you're crying right now...WHY?" I don't know if I can ever tell him about the conversation. He takes my hand and grips it tightly... It's hurt. I bit my lower lips to endure it.



"You're hurting me..." he slowly let go of my hand. I can't think straight, I don't know what is going on with me. All I need is someone to comfort me. I hugged Jaehyun tightly "I shouldn't answer the call, I'm so stupid.. I answer it without hesitation, I feel dumb Jaehyun... please don't get mad..." the way I talked enough to make Jaehyun fall for his soft side.

He makes me sat on the bed and he wiped my tears. "I'm sorry too, I don't know why I feel angry, I eavesdropped on you and you started to cry... why is it?"

I told Jaehyun everything about the conversation, about what he wants me to do, and the address. Jaehyun listens to me carefully and even rubbed my back to comfort me. He let go a sighed "I guess we need a new plan but don't worry we will keep you safe, that's the reason why you're here okay? and you didn't show yet to others you skilled I bet all of them will shock" he breaks the sad vibe into joke vibe, I small chuckled by what he said.

"Jaehyun..." He hummed and look at me

"I love you"... silent. I rolled my eyes, stand up from bed to get out before I could reach for the door, a strong pull from Jaehyun and I fall to the bed. My eyes widened as he is on top of me. I gulped. He gets closer to me as he wants to plant a kiss but he pauses. He looks at me, stares with his brown sparkling eyes.

"I'm sorry..." he then walked away, what with the sorry? Sorry for not able to love me back?


I walked out of the room and headed to the living room. I spotted winwin and Jungwoo are playing play station and the rest are in the kitchen. "Ahh y/n! Finally! Come here and taste this" I walked to Taeil and he feeds me.

"Hmm, that's so good! I never knew you're good at cooking!"

"Of course! He is Moon Taeil!" Haechan interrupted. I just smiled and help myself to sit down.

"So y/n... we haven't finished our talk" I raised my brow to Haechan, what talk do we have? "About yourself.. about your friends and school?"

"Friend? School?" I look down, figuring how to respond. "Actually... I never went to school and I never had any school friends. My childhood is full with my family and my cousin, my sister, and my uncles, aunties.."

"Why are you living like that? Poor our y/n, then how did you study and all?"

"Homeschool... my father... he decided to homeschool me... I never understand why father never sent me to the school... actual school, I always wanted to ask that but he always busy until he is gone..." I make a small smile, remember the meaningful memories with my father. I wish he knows that I'm safe here with these boys.

"How about your sist—

"Dude! Stop asking questions..." mark punched Haechan shoulder

"It's okay mark.. my sister? I don't know... I hope she is doing well... and I do miss her, the last thing that I did with her was when we were watching a movie and we laughed, talked until 6 AM without sleeping. That is the craziest thing I have ever done" I giggled. All of them giggle too. I look around and just realized there is no Jaehyun and Taeyong here.

"Who are you looking for y/n?" a sudden question from the back.

"Huh? Oh hm nothing..."

"Are you looking for Jaehyun? He's with Taeyong and Doyoung in the meeting room" I nodded with what Winwin just said.

"Are you guys have a thing?" All eyes on Haechan. "What? Something is going on with them"

"How are you so sure Haechan?" Taeil pinch Haechan cheeks

"Ouch! Ahh, Hyung!! It's hurt" I laughed at Haechan, he is already a grown-up boy but still acts like a baby.

"So is it true?" The question is loud enough to make all of them stay quiet.

"Why are you asking me that? Why don't you ask Jaehyun..." I don't know how to hide so I just walked away and be gone from their view.

"She's blushing..." Haechan said

"So obvious hm" Winwin continued.

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