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it's been 2 days since I was stuck in this basement, no food, no drink just air

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it's been 2 days since I was stuck in this basement, no food, no drink just air. Even the air is not healthy and clean. I wonder what Jaehyun is doing right now, Taeyong too. Do they have a plan to rescue me? My hand got tie to the back and it's kinda hard to move. I need a plan, think y/n.. think! I look up as soon as I heard a footstep walk towards me., its yina. "what?"

"I bought you food, you haven't eaten anything, right? eat up!" I roll my eyes and look away. "y/n, you want to get out from here? you better tell me the file, then I will let you go. easy right?" she smirk. I look at her and laugh

"easy you said? tsk... from this moment I regretted saying I miss you and all, I wish I never meet you or you never exist!"

"that's so harsh! I'm still your sister okay? so respect me and I will respect you."

"you dare to talk about respect? when you did this to me? team up with a bad person? what is wrong with you? even tho dad did something worse to you or didn't listen to you, you shouldn't do this! I'm still your family!"

"was our father consider me as his daughter after I left for US?"

"of course! the fact even he hired someone just take make sure you save there. Our father is not something that you think and you're wrong! he cared for you! plus you not even there when he got a shot in front of my own eyes. How could I forget the nightmare?" I try my best to make her fall for my lies.

"father did that?" I nod. "oh... really?" she looks down, her reaction becomes sad but suddenly she laugh like hell. "quit playing games y/n, I almost fall for your lies but I don't think so haha. enjoy your food!" she heads out.



"how's our plan?" 

"perfect!" bangchan said "Hyunjin, prepare things for tomorrow and call lee know, he must love this idea."

"no need to call me! Im here" a deep voice came from the edge of the room.

"ohmygod you're here! it's good to see you bro" Hyunjin greets lee know. they hug each other

"Sorry I didn't come earlier, if not the others maybe-- chan cut lee know before he could finish his sentence.

"It's not your fault, now its' time to get some revenge."

"and how about y/n?" hyunjin ask

"We use her, we use her to make neos come to the place where we want them to be" yina answers.


After several minutes of trying to untie the rob on my hand, I finally did it. I did it! Doyoung must be proud of it since he was the one who teaches me how to untie if I'm in any dangerous situation. Now, I have to quickly find the exist. I wander around and saw a door on the left, I slowly push the door and saw a man is guarding the door. How can I beat him? I ask myself. I flashback to the day where Taeyong, Yuta, and Mark were training me how to fight and I clearly still remember the method and all. You can do this y/n! you're no longer a weak girl!

I push the door and straightly kick at his friend,  I spin my body to give him the best kick on the face and for the first time, I finally defeat someone. wow, is this the feeling when you finally get to kick someone bad? before someone notice I'm gone, I hurriedly walk down using the exit stairs. As I managed to get out from the creepy basement, I found myself in the middle of the forest? This kinda scary. I walk, walk and walk until I found many street lights.

"huh? it's not that far from this store?" 24 hours convenience store that I usually go to with Haechan. I enter the store and ask the cashier to borrow for a phone to make a call. I remember Jaehyun's phone number since he asked to memorize his number for emergency. I dial for his number, feeling anxiety taking over my body. what if he didn't pick up? what if he didn't see an incoming call?


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