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Yawned. "Why the hell are we watching a horror movie? I can't focus...." I said

"Because you're scared that's why..." I rolled my eyes, fine! I'm not scared, it's not that scary. I focus on the tv, I gulped the 'creak' sound from the door makes me goosebumps, suddenly ......

"AAhhh!!" I jumped to the back, I close my eyes with the pillow. I hate jumpscare.

"why is that ghost look so scary?"

"what are you talking about? The ghost ain't that scary" I throw the pillow to him and let go an annoyance groaned sound. I lay back and look at the ceiling, it's been a week and a half together with these mafias and this Jaehyun, I still don't know why did my father die?

"Jaehyun?" I look at him, he looks at me back. "Can you explain to me what just happened at the house and everything?" He takes the remote and turns off the tv, he can just explain to me while watching it but yea nevermind.

"Are you sure you're ready to hear?" I nodded, this time I will try to control myself and overcome this trauma. "we went to your house to check if there is any clue and Doyoung found a picture of your dad together with someone like you described, wearing a gold ring and turns out the man is Taeyong father..."

"Wait what? Taeyong? H-his father killed my f-father?" my eyes widened

"I'm guessing, yes. Mark and Yuta are assigned to be a spy for moment, since it's the leader ordered, Taeyong.... you know he kinda stressed didn't know his father would kill his best friend—"

"What do you mean best friend? My father and his father was best friend?" This doesn't make any sense. "How come? And I never knew about the picture..."

"That's what makes Taeyong confused, why would your father kept a secret about you being his daughter..."

"Why would my father keep me a secret? My cousin and all my family know my existence...." suddenly I feel mad, I feel mad that Jaehyun said like that, why?

"Y/n, calm down..."

"NO! This is too much, why would you say that? Why in the world would he keep me a secret? I'm what? an adopted kid? No way? I lost both of my parents Jaehyun... I have no one else. FVK! WHY AM I BEING LIKE THIS?"

"You need to rest now, it's already 5 am"

Asshole! That's all you ever care about?

"You go upstairs, I'm gonna sleep here" I lie down on the sofa and cover my face with the pillow, being pissed with him.

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