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I quickly untie Doyoung and Taeyong from the rope and suddenly happen to see Taeil and Johnny

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I quickly untie Doyoung and Taeyong from the rope and suddenly happen to see Taeil and Johnny. Taeil asked me where is Jaehyun and I pointed out which way he went... both of them nodded. Taeyong and Doyoung are still unconscious. What to do? Think y/n! Then I saw a walkie-talkie hanging on Doyoung belt. I took it and start to talk.


"Y/n??" A familiar voice

"Yes, it's y/n... Haechan?"

"What are you doing here? What is happening?"

"No time Haechan... can you please come over here? Taeyong and Doyoung collapsed..."

"WHAT?? Okay okay I will come to you"

I try to wake Doyoung and Taeyong but nothing happened. What happened to them? Taeyong please open your eyes...


"Calm down Jaehyun, this is not the old you.. you know" Sehun spoke. Jaehyun didn't bother with what Sehun said and aim his guns toward Sehun.

"Release the man Sehun... This is a warning!" Jaehyun looks at Sehun with so much seriousness.

"This? This man?" Sehun holds the old man that is the CEO of a big company. "Man... this old man? Well, he deserved to be dead actually so that I can take over his company" evil smirked came from Sehun mouth.

"Please please! Don't kill me! I will give you all my money just don't take the company and I don't want to die! Please!! I have a wife and son" the old man begging Sehun to not killed him.

"I don't care you have a son or what... If you die, I can take the company, your company is a good damn company you know. Your company is easy to make money" he laughed. Jaehyun was fed up with what Sehun said, without wasting any time he shot Sehun's leg. "FUCK JAEHYUN" Sehun screamed in pain.

"You talked so much.... don't make me shoot you on the head...." Jaehyun said looking at Sehun who is trying to endure his pain.

"You think you win Jaehyun? I got my hyungs backup" Sehun smirked.

"But... I just know that your hyungs are out of the country... there left you alone here.. so should I just kill you? I want your answer Sehun!" Sehun looks so confused and his eyes are shaking, don't know what to do.


"I'm going to check on Jaehyun for a minute, you guys bring Taeyong and Doyoung out now..." I quickly stand up and run to Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun?" I called out his name, no answer. Where did he go? Then I heard a gunshot, I run to the sound and saw that Jaehyun is talking and aiming his gun at Sehun head. Fuck! Is he going to do the same things as before? I put my mask on and walked slowly towards them.

Sehun heard my footstep and look in my direction. "You brought a girl? A mafia girl in your team? Wow!" He said. Jaehyun turned around to see me and asked me to stop moving. "Stay there and don't get any closer here!" I surprised. I paused my move and stood there quietly.

"Is she your girlfriend Jaehyun? Oh wait is that the girl that that old man wants? What his name? I forgot hmmm"

"FUCKING JUST TELL IT!" The way he screamed makes my heart beat even more faster never see this side of Jaehyun yet.

"You know right? Of course, it's Taeyong father— Jaehyun got close to Sehun and wrapped his hand around Sehun neck

"You better fucking tell me what is that old man plan is or else I will be fucking kill you right here so you won't ever see you hyungs again" Jaehyun angry sound, seriously he scared me right now. bzz bzz from the walkie-talkie

"Where are you y/n! We have to leave now! Hurry! And bring that man with you too" I bravely walked to that old man and walked him out. I screamed to Jaehyun

"JAEHYUN WE HAVE TO LEAVE... please.." Jaehyun look at me and nodded as give him a minute to settle with Sehun. I walked outside of the building and saw a black van already await in front of the gate. Yuta opens the door and we get in. Soon enough, Jaehyun finally gets in the van too.

"OKAY MOVE!" Mark said. I look at the back and see that Taeyong still unconscious along with Doyoung.

"What happened to them?" I asked Haechan who is sitting beside me.

"They both got injected with something that makes them sleep " He sighed

"But both of them will be okay right?" My face turns into worries. Worried that Taeyong will never wake up. Someone put his hand on my should

"he will be fine, don't worry!" I looked at the other side and it's Taeil. I give him a smile

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