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"thanks Taeyong!" he smiled and made his way to the meeting room

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"thanks Taeyong!" he smiled and made his way to the meeting room. What a good leader! Unlike Jaehyun who is being bitchy lol. I spend my days in the room trying hard to learn and memories each thing. It does take time to memorize all of these since I need a good rest so that I can recover faster.

I keep myself in the room for the past week, non of the members disturbed me except for Taeil who is always checking my wound, and Jaehyun since it's his room. I rubbed my eyes, waking up from sleep and a knock was heard on the door. "Y/n, awake? We have a meeting!" It's Jaehyun.


"Over the past week we tried our best to track those who attacked y/n and her father but we can't find any trace, perhaps do you remember anything y/n? That can lead us to them?" Taeyong looks into my eyes, wanting an answer. The way he looks at me it's like he knew that I remember something and want me to spill it out but I'm too afraid to say it. "If you're not ready it's okay we wo—"

"Yes, I do remember. My house was full of blood, my maid got killed and there was a person, I don't recognize him, he said that he didn't know my father has a daughter, h-he... he wore a golden ring. That's all I remember" I gasped, suddenly my body started to feel cold, my leg is trembling. My vision started to become blurry, something is ringing in my head, the voice of Taeyong become tiny. I heard a whisper, whisper on my left ear, whisper on my right ear saying die. I don't want to hear those nonsense words, I close both of my eyes, shouting "SHUT UP!" like a crazy person. Everyone eyes on me, startled by my action.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" a tiny voice, I know that voice, "open your eyes please" a cold tone. I slowly open my eyes, my vision is getting better. He's shaking my body to make me awake. "Y/n? Why?" The voice becomes clear, as soon as I opened my eyes, Jaehyun is kneeling in front of me, looking worried. I don't think straight, I hugged him. Feeling scared is taking over my body, "it's okay, you will be fine here" he rubbed my back to make me feel better.

"Is she going to be okay?" Haechan whispered to mark, who is focusing on his laptop about the mission that Taeyong just assigned to him.

"Well if we take good care of her, of course, she's going to be okay" He calmly answered Haechan question.

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