31. back in avonlea

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"STOP IT GIL!" Violet chuckled and exclaimed as Gilbert tickled her until tears streamed out of her eyes. "There. I stopped. Do I get a reward?" He smirked at her and she smiled at him while pecking his cheek.

"Love, I think you missed." He chuckled causing Violet to shake her head in disbelief and connected their lips, spreading goosebumps through both of their bodies. It had been almost two years since they had started courting again, and Violet still hadn't gotten used to the taste of his bittersweet peppermint lips. Every kiss surprised her, and every kiss intrigued her. It was better than heaven.

He was a drug, snatching her in for a second taste, leaving her wanting more. She loved it when his honey eyes lit up as he smiled, exposing those tiny dimples that she loved looking at. He was art itself, and Violet had memorised his every pattern.

His soft and melodious laugh, his adorable husky voice when he woke up next to her in the morning, his mischievous smirk when he teased her, and her personal favourite, when his honey voice broke out in a melodious tune. Gilbert never sang in front of anyone, but Violet was not just anyone.

Violet had finished college at a renowned institution and so had Gilbert, and he was taking up an apprenticeship in London along with a progressive doctor while she worked on her soon to be published manuscript. "Honey I need to leave for work. I'll see you later, okay?" Gilbert said sweetly as he kissed her once more, Violet was drunk on his lips.

"See you soon Gil! And don't forget to pack for our trip to Avonlea!" She called out after his tenderly, and he goofily nodded and left. Violet started to go over her manuscript as he left, for she wanted to be an author soon. She looked the neatly inscribed words, satisfied, and began to pack her bag. After all, they were to leave the next day.

Gilbert returned late at night, wrapping his strong arms around Violet's already sleeping figure, and held her close to him. His breathing synchronised with Violet's and he couldn't help but admire how peaceful she looked: he truly was in love.

Two years had gone by and he still was in awe that she had forgiven him.

Two years had gone by and each day he fell in love with her just a little bit more. Violet was it for him, she was the one. He grinned as he slowly drifted off to sleep, plans of Avonlea filling his usually dreamless mind.

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"Wake up Darling, we need to leave.." Violet chuckled as she shook Gilbert awake. He rubbed his eyes and mustered up a smile, he looked absolutely adorable. He strode over to the bathroom and had a warm bath, sighing as the water hit his sore limbs. Humming, he brushed his chocolate hair aside neatly and changed into a casual outfit.

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