13. stormy skies

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Thunder rang across the classroom like a rusted bell.

The sky was crackling, greyish, and occasional bursts of lightened yellow caused them to bury their heads in their laps.

Miss Stacy was the first to step up, with a rational mind, as the children were quivering.

"This isn't ideal, I know. But we must make do. There is some food and warm blankets in the supply closet. It is cold, so you can huddle near each other to share body heat. Does anyone have any leftovers from lunchtime? We must stay here until the storm passes," She reasoned.

Ruby began, "I have a jar of honey from lunch."

The rest of the class began chipping in.

"I have some milk."

"Crackers and bread."

"A little bit of crayfish pie."


Miss Stacy nodded in approval. "I can make us dinner, if needed. But right now, it's important not to catch a cold."

Violet raised her hand, "I can make some green tea for all of us. That'll prevent sore throats. I just need water, some of Ruby's honey and the leaves growing outside."

"Go ahead, Violet. But it is raining outside, maybe someone can accompany you?" Miss Stacy replied. "And take care, please. I don't want you falling sick either."

"I'll do it," Gilbert's voice was firm.

"Problem solved," Violet grinned, "Come on. Let's go."

Soon they were out the door and the rain thundered onto their clothes and they were laughing.

"I actually really love rain," Violet's voice was faint under the thunder. The crackling of the sky was illuminating soft bursts of light on her. "There's something poetic about it. Like the sky is trying to wash away any trace of negativity. It's like we're clean, after rain. Free. We can breathe."

"Rain and I don't exactly have the best relationship," Gilbert shivered.

"Oh, you're cold," Violet cupped his cheeks, "Come on, let's get this done with. Then you'll be dry and your tea will be delicious, okay?"

"Okay," He grinned wistfully. She let go of his face and looked at the ground, in search of the leaves. Gilbert expressed, "Where exactly are we going to find these leaves?"

"They have an ashy green colour and have sharp edges. Be on the lookout for them. They're quite common here," Violet explained.

Thunder rippled through the air like shockwaves.

Gilbert winced. He was shaking.

"Gilbert," Violet whispered, intertwining their hands and squeezing, "You're okay. Everything's okay."

"It just- it scares me because it's so different from normal weather. It's alien, new, and—"

He gripped her hand tighter.

"Gilbert... Why did you come out with me if you were so scared?"

"You know why." His voice was low. "I don't want you to get hurt, Violet. I care about you so much. I can't bear to lose you."

"I can take care of myself. Don't worry, you can go back in." Violet reasoned with calm eyes.

"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving you."

Violet's heart hammered in her ears and then they were walking again.

The clearing of leaves was wide and full of olive green coloured vines. Violet had described it exactly as it was. They were beautiful and smelled like the wet earth.

"Gilbert, look!" Her smile widened as she let go of his hand and approached the clearing. "Let's pluck around 40 of these leaves?That way, if anyone wants more, or gets ill, we'll have extra."


They plucked the leaves and Gilbert was staring at her and she was in heaven.

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