21. november chills

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Violet Greene felt the November wind flap against her skin. Chills of winter's kiss cascaded down her neck, and she sighed deeply.

Life was good. For once, she could simply be, and that would be enough for her. Violet finally believed she was bigger than the whole sky, and even though it wasn't entirely because of Gilbert, he deserved some credit. When Violet was feeling her sense of self shatter, it was Gilbert who was there, hugging her and stroking her hair gently. Murmurs of devotion sparked her bright light once more. When Violet mourned her father, it was Gilbert who listened to her nostalgic stories with complete concentration. It was Gilbert who transcended her reality, who allowed her to discover a little piece of herself every day.

And she loved him for it.

But mostly, she loved herself.

Violet felt herself smile as she embraced the weather and sauntered on her way to the stream. To him.

Euphonious chirps of birds along with the silent whispers of sunshine warmed her soul as she grew closer to her destination. She picked a flower and tucked it behind her ear, twirling in the midmorning winter, in love with life.

"Good morning," Gilbert smiled at her as the stream entered her vision. He had dimples. Violet's chest expanded in joy.

"Good morning," Violet beamed, taking his hand in hers. She kissed him softly, and he melted into her touch. "Today's a lovely day. It spurs me with inspiration. It's the kind of day I want to sketch, or write poems about."

"Then sketch," Was Gilbert's simple solution.

"It's not that simple," Violet chuckled, "There's so much left for Cole to teach me. All I can sketch is the human anatomy."

"Sketch someone who fills you to the brim with life," Gilbert added helpfully.

"I haven't learned how to make self portraits either." Violet held her hands up in surrender.

"I meant more like..." Gilbert kissed her deeply. Mumbled against her lips, "Someone caring and loving. Extremely handsome and dashing. Anyone come to mind?"

"Modest as ever, Gil," Violet threw her head back and laughed, "But yes, I would love to sketch you."

Gilbert blushed, holding back a large grin, "I would be honoured, my love."

She kissed his cheek, "Then it is decided."

After minutes of laughter and posing, Violet's sketchbook was filled with a picture of him. His features sculpted masterly in imperfect, messy charcoal, yet the sparkle of his eyes came through. The window to his soul.

Gilbert would continue to keep that picture in his wallet until the day he died.

"Good morning, Miss Stacy," Violet greeted her teacher.

"Good morning!" She exchanged the pleasantry, "Oh, I have mail for you. The Post Office was on my way here, so I picked up yours too. To save you a trip." She handed the brunette a letter with a silver emblem on it. The emblem of the Williams family.

"Thank you," Violet spoke, dazed, while opening the letter on the side of the classroom.


As Christmastime nears, I am filled with joy to invite you and a plus one to our manner. London is less lively without your smile.

Maybe you could bring that Gilbert character you're courting? Or Diana, or Lizzie! I would love to meet them again. Please let me know if you will make it. My parents adore you and miss you, and so do I. You're my soul sister. My best friend.

I love you, Vi. I look forward to your response. I miss your hugs ever so profoundly.

Yours truly,
Dana Williams."

Violet could not hold her euphoria back. Her soul soared.

"Guess what?" She sauntered towards Gilbert.

"We're going to London?" Gilbert asked wryly.

"How did you know-" Violet's eyes widened in surprise.

"Lucky guess," Gilbert shrugged with a grin, taking her hand in his. "Tell me more."

"Dana has invited us, well, technically me and a plus one. And I pick you. You're my plus one. It's during Winter Break and we would stay in their manor." Violet explained.

"Well then," Gilbert spoke, "It's decided."

Miss Stacy began, "Today I will be assigning you a research project. The research question is: What is your heritage? Where do you come from? This project will be in pairs, and it is due next week."

Violet and Gilbert looked eyes and smiled.

"But I will decide the pairs."

The entire class groaned. Miss Stacy chuckled and continued. "Here are the pairs: Elizabeth and Charlie, Ruby and Moody, Diana and Jane, Billie and Josie, Gilbert and Tillie, and Violet and Anne."

Violet searched the classroom for Anne. When she finally found her, the redhead's skin was peppered with a soft, daylily pink blush.

"Hello, Anne," Violet said endearingly.

"Violet," Anne nodded in response, skin turning dark red.

"Uh– so do you want to get started with the project?" Violet stumbled over her words.

"Sure," Anne grinned, "For my heritage, we would need to go to the orphanage. They probably have records of who my parents are, and we can investigate further."

"Great," The brunette said, "I know about my lineage. I could draw up a family tree but– My mother told me that I was an incredibly distant relative of the current empress Victoria. I'll have to recheck with her about that, though."

Anne's eyes lit up, "You're related to a literal Queen? I mean it's so believable, you act like royalty— so perfect all the time and oh, you're so beautiful too! How could you not mention this before, this is absolutely scrumptious!"

Violet said softly, "Anne. Could I ask you something?"


"You don't still have feelings for me, do you?"

Anne sighed sadly, "I wish I didn't. I really wish I didn't, Violet. I know you're happy with Gilbert."

"I am," Violet enunciated softly, "I am so happy with him."

"Then I'm happy for you. I wish you were happy with me, but I am happy for you. As long as you're joyful..."

Violet asked, "Is working on this project together going to be hard for you? I could ask Miss Stacy to switch pairs if you want."

"Uh- No! It's okay," Anne exclaimed. "Let's just continue."

With so many words unspoken, so many emotions unspoken, Violet was convinced that Anne was ruined.

Because of her.

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