14. elizabeth lynde

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The stream was flowing with fresh ideas and surrounded by two free, lost individuals.

She had a daisy in her hair, her demeanour was magnanimous and when she laughed, he couldn't help but watch.

He was looking at her. He was always looking at her. With hazel eyes and deep brown curls, he was art. She believed his features were sculpted by the tears of poets.

And they were smiling. The stream was cold and fresh and she dipped her hand in it and he watched.

"Feel it, it's so refreshing," Violet whispered, dazed by the filtered rays of sunlight through the dark green leaves of trees. The water was a change from the thick, hot, summer air.

"Violet, your dress," Gilbert spoke out of concern, pointing to her yellow dress that had been half soaked in the water.

"Who cares?" She laughed in disbelief, "Come here, feel the water."

He approached closer, and closer until he inhaled her scent and she was lovely. He dipped a stray finger into the stream and sighed in content.

"Perfect, isn't it?" Her lips quirked upwards. He nodded and she sighed.

"You know what we should do, Lettie?" His eyes lit up.

"What did you just call me?" She narrowed her eyes and contained a smile.

"Lettie." Gilbert held back a chortle.

"That is disgusting. I never want to hear that ever again."

"Hey! It suits you."

"If you think that suits me, then you have no idea who I am." She remarked.

"Okay, Lettie."

"Shut up!"

"Careful, Violet," He winked, "I may just think you're blasphemous."

"I'd rather you call me blasphemous than Lettie."

"How about... blasphemous Lettie?"

The two burst into laughter at the same time.

"You, cruel, cruel man," She spoke through spasms of laughter.

"But in all seriousness, Violet," He mused aloud once their laughter had subdued, "We should meet here, every day before school. It can be our secret spot, shrouded from all of reality." His voice had this air to it that made her feel like she was floating.

"I'm sold as long as you don't call me Lettie anymore," She raised her palms in defeat. Her expression softened, "I really like the idea of having something that's just ours. Yours and mine."

"Mine and yours." He echoed.

He pondered for a moment, "Violet, what is this? What are we doing here? Am I fool for thinking we have something?"

She sighed, took his hands in hers and her voice came out silent and shaky, "I just got out of something that hurt. A lot, okay? I don't know if I'm ready yet. I really really like you, Gilbert. So much. When I'm with you, I want no regrets. I want it to be perfect. I just need time. Can you give that to me?"

"Of course I can," Gilbert's voice was sincere and from the heart, "Of course I can, Violet. Admittedly, I feel the same way about you. I–I just care about you so much. You're the best person in my life right now."

She cupped his cheeks, and cracked a smile that caused his heart to thump in his head, "You're the best person in my life right now too."


The first thing Violet saw in school was students crowding around the center of the classroom. She shot Gilbert an odd look and made her way through the bustling crowd.

There, she saw an amiable redhead with green eyes and a shy smile. Violet smiled at the newcomer and she smiled back, right before Miss Stacy intervened.

"Sit down, everyone," She announced, "Let's not overwhelm our new student."

The class groaned and made their way to their seats, leaving the girl with red hair standing alone. She fidgeted with the hems of her dress, which reminded Violet of the nervousness that she faced on her first day.

Miss Stacy cleared her throat, "This is Elizabeth Lynde. Care you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Hi," She spoke hesitantly, "My name is Elizabeth, or as everyone calls me, Lizzie. Mr and Mrs Lynde adopted me some time before a week ago. I cannot wait to meet all of you." She smiled a smile that seemed to catch the eye of a plenty. Anne was looking intently at her.

Billy Andrews snapped, "Why does the orphanage keep producing rotten red heads? All I see when I look at you is trash."

Violet felt fire course through her veins. How dare he? "And all I see when I look at you is a bigoted pig who can't even do basic math. Stop picking on her and go to hell you b—"

"Okay, okay Violet, you've made your point," Miss Stacy's voice echoed through the classroom, "Billy, that is absolutely out of character. She just got here, have some empathy. I don't want you in my class today. Please leave."

Billy stammered, "But—"

"You heard her, didn't you?" Anne retorted, "Leave."

The class burst into laughter and mockery as Billy looked at Miss Stacy apologetically. "Go, Billy. Leave." She said.

Violet couldn't help but smile as the door closed behind him.

Lizzie instantly sat down in the empty seat next to Violet. "I think you're my new best friend," She grinned breathtakingly.

"I'm not entirely opposed to that," Violet mused playfully, and Lizzie chuckled. "I'm Violet. Violet Greene. But you can call me Vi."

"It's a pleasure, Vi. Introduce me to everyone during lunch time?"

"Of course, Lizzie."

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