29. regret me

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Sylvie was lovely.

Ever so lovely. She nuzzled into the nape of Violet's nap as Violet was reading pride and prejudice. Her father's copy. Her eyes traced the annotations she had made years ago, feeling her heart well up heavily.

She remembered so vividly. Violet just wanted it to stop. It was egregious, watching the days flow by unfulfilled.

Finding herself was incredible. She felt secure in who she was but the emptiness was jarring. Her heart was physically torn and Sylvie had tried to stitch its ends but the threads were unfurling and unravelling.

"Mon cœur..." Sylvie breathed out, the endearment washing away Violet's wounds. Violet smiled softly, "This book is too mesmerising to put down."

Violet could hear echoes of an argument outside, too faint to understand. The words were not clear, but one of the voices was clearly Dana Williams'.

"Oui, je sais." Sylvie's french accent was thick and beautiful. "Je lis mes romans toujours, tu le sais, et je ne peux pas arrêter."

"Je suis d'accord avec toi..." Violet mumbled as she lazily flipped the page, scanning the words and letting them sink in. Part of her wanted to check and see about the commotion, but it had died down for a minute or so. Until—

"You have to let me see her, Dana!"

The jarring voice ripped through Violet's sanity. So oddly familiar, belonging to the stranger whose laughter she could recognise anywhere without even trying.

"Gilbert." She whispered, the words tasting like honey on her tongue.

The voices began growing louder, echoing in Violet's ears, like a hypnotising thump until she was compelled to kiss Sylvie on the cheek and get up from the bed. Her body had a mind of its own as she looked at herself in the mirror: wearing a cornflower blue dress with puffed sleeves and a soft flush on her cheeks. Her lips were red and slightly swollen.

She twisted the knob, ever so slowly, and stepped into the saloon.

And then she saw him.

Beautiful as always, with his chocolate brown curls spreading across his face, gleaming eyes and furrowed eyebrows. He was wearing a suit, noir and well-constructed, with fresh flowers in his arms. He smelled like mint and old books: the epitome of comfort.

Gilbert's eyes snapped onto hers, as she gasped, ever so softly.

"Dana? What's going on?" Violet addressed her beloved friend.

"He showed up at our doorstep. He won't leave. I let him in to... understand his intentions." Dana explained, "Do you want me to throw him out, love? Because I can."

"You..." The words were not comprehensive in Violet's mind. She shuddered as she melted onto a sofa, right next to Gilbert.

Dana smiled sadly, "I'll let you two be. Call me if you need anything."

She hurried out to her room, pacing and anxious.

Gilbert looked at Violet, deeply and sincerely. "I'm so sorry, Lettie. I never should have left. But you've finally completed your task. I want to be with you, my love. Let's start a new life together and—"

"No. You don't get to do that anymore." Violet regained her composure, her voice as cold as ice. "I don't want you, Gilbert. Nor do I need you."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I love you and I miss you." He leaned closer, and she was overwhelmed by how vivid he was. "Leaving you was my biggest regret."

Violet felt her senses heighten, her throat choking. "And my biggest regret, my biggest regret is... you. Loving you. Trusting you. I forgot myself. I'm never making that mistake again."

She paused to take a breath.

"How- How dare you? How dare you say you want me forever and then leave without even facing me, you coward?"


"How dare you come back and assume that I still want you? That I haven't moved on? I created a life here. A new life that I really love and now- you're here. You should've stayed in Canada, Gilbert." She turned away. "God, I cant even look at you right now."

"Have you?" Gilbert questioned.


"Moved on?"

Violet looked him straight in the eye. Her voice was breathy and raw. "Yes."

"Oh." Gilbert simply said. "Thank you for your honesty, Miss Greene. I will leave these flowers here for you. You'll find my address attached to it, if you ever do change your mind."

He placed the flowers on the mahogany table, softly pressed his lips to Violet's forehead, his eyes lingering on hers for just a second too long—

And then he walked out the door.

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