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"COME ON LOU, Dana! We're almost late for other Dana's wedding!" Violet called out for her two daughters, Eloise and Dana. The pair ran down the stairs in magnificent dresses and Violet couldn't help but admire the eleven year old twins. They had both inherited her father's silken curls and while Eloise had his hazel eyes, Dana had Violet's aqua blue ones.

She then turned towards her beaming son next to her and smiled at him: he looked so much like his father. His thoughtful eyes were a deep blue and his hair exactly resembled Gilbert's, and even at fourteen years old, he was quite the charmer at Avonlea's local school.

"Jack, you look marvellous." Violet said as she combed through his locks with her fingers. "Mother! Don't touch my hair!" He shook off her hand from his head and scowled as Violet burst into laughter. "You're exactly like your father."

"Speaking of father, where is he?" Eloise Blythe II questioned, her hazel eyes gleaming.

"Shit." Violet cursed under her breath, she knew she had forgotten something, or rather, someone. "Gilbert! We need to leave for Day's wedding now. I am the maid of honour after all." She ran to their room and reminded him. Gilbert turned around from the mirror and smiled at his wife of fifteen years.

He looked dashing. He wore a suit similar to the one he wore the night of the great Barry Ball, and his famous chocolate curls were combed neatly. "Darling I'm coming, just give me a second." He smiled, and even after all these years Violet turned a soft shade of pink.

She went back into the living room,  straightened her white bridesmaid dress and clipped a bracelet with various silver charms on her wrist. It had been her wedding present, and it signified every moment she had had with Gilbert. She stared at the ornament and sighed, playing with the sunflower charm, that symbolised their first encounter, almost twenty years ago at a sunflower field.

Gilbert entered the living room and wrapped his strong arms around his wife from behind, and Violet found her heart skipping a beat. He kissed her forehead gently as she sighed, causing the children to wrinkle their noses in disgust.



"Make it stop, Make it stop!"

Three simultaneous voices started shouting out and Violet chuckled as she reluctantly removed herself from her husband's grasp. "Come on Gil, children, we need to leave now."

"But I'm not a child anymore." Jack Blythe smirked the famous Blythe smirk and Gilbert laughed slightly at the remark.

"You'll always be my child." Violet bent down and hugged Jack, and to her relief, he returned it tightly.

The family of five stepped into their carriage and rode off to the Avonlea wedding, constant bickering and sarcastic comments filling the air (they were Violet Blythe's children after all).


DANA WILLIAMS WAS about to be wed. After fifteen years of watching her best friend live a happily married life, she decided that she would not be a bachelorette for the rest of her life. She wanted what Violet and Gilbert had, and she found just that in Edgar Cooper. So a year prior, she had proposed to him, and he gladly accepted. The pair moved in together in Avonlea, as Dana wanted to be closer to her best friend and god-children, and it was heaven.

She was going to marry him and have heaps of children, she decided. "No, not heaps. I wouldn't be able to give them all my prized attention." She smirked as she stared at herself in the mirror, she truly looked mesmerising in her lacy bridal gown.

The ceremony was gorgeous and Dana was sure that this was the happiest day of her life. She clung onto her new husband with utter joy, and Edgar could only smile back at her.

Violet arrived a few minutes later, hugging her best friend with tears in her eyes, "It's finally happened Day.. You got married. Married!"

"Yes yes I got married and all that but, where's little Dana?" Dana rapidly asked her best friend, searching for her favourite god-child. Her question was answered a few seconds later, as an aqua eyed girl sprinted towards her and embraced her tightly. "Auntie Dana!" She squealed, "You finally got married! Congratulations!"

"Don't call me auntie, it makes me feel old." Dana chuckled.

"Well you are a thirty six year old woman in a wedding gown, so I'd definitely call you old." Eloise piped up.

"And that is why you're not my favourite twin." Dana shot back at her, and Violet only shook her head in disbelief. "Stop the bickering, we need Day to get to her honeymoon in one piece."

The girls looked at each other while smirking and then questioned out loud at the same time, "Where's Jack?"

Violet turned around to see Jack smoothly conversing with Elizabeth Sloane and sighed when she blushed at whatever witty comment Jack had made. "At least this ensures me my grandbabies." She thought while staring at the two young teenagers. Lizzie Sloane was soon to arrive, rolling her eyes as her only daughter made a move on Violet's only son, and pulling the pair apart.

Violet laughed when a crow cawed and scared Lizzie away, and Jack look Elizabeth the second's hand and led her away from the crowd, to do god knows what.

Gilbert arrived momentarily, and squeezed Violet's hand as he whispered in her ear, spreading goosebumps on her frail body, "Your book just hit one hundred thousand publishes Lettie."

Violet gasped in disbelief as she looked at her husband, "Please tell me you're not joking."

Gilbert mocked dramatics and fake gasped, "I would never!" He then handed her a signed check from the publishing house, and Violet's eyes widened at the number. "Congratulations Lettie." She responded by kissing her husband warmly and softly, and till this date he cherished her warm kisses. Uproar was soon heard in the crowd, the crowd being the Blythe children, and Violet rolled her eyes at their antics. Congratulating Dana once more and bidding the many families goodbye, the Blythe family headed home.

Inspiration seeped through Violet Blythe, and as soon as the children were occupied and Gilbert left for his medical practice, she started writing with skill.

"Electricity - A love story

'Violet we have to leave!' A voice boomed in my ears. Ever since I learnt that I was moving. . . . . . "

The End.


A/N: I cant believe that it's over. My first book. My first story. Thank you for every single viewer who's supported me on this journey and every single person who has voted and commented. I cant I'm literally sobbing I cant believe it's over I was so emotionally attached pls- anyways thank u for everything and i love u all and i just can't it's over- i hope u enjoyed the book and if you like my writing then don't forget to check out my other works <3

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