02. monday morning

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"Vi, honey it's time for school!" Katherine Greene called out to her daughter as she set the table. Violet rushed down, bursting with excitement. It was going to be a good day, and a good day indeed.

"What's for breakfast, ma mère?" Violet questioned with a light chuckle as her mother brought out cold milk and buttered toast. "I'm glad that you've been speaking in french more often, sweetheart. C'est très bien!" Katherine exclaimed, proud that her daughter was embracing her late husband's french origin.

"Au revoir!" Violet giggled lightly as she stepped out of her house and made her way to Avonlea's school house.

She walked towards the gorgeous woods, books in one hand, daisy in the other. Staring at the heaps of lush green trees, the sun's rays entered her eyes and warmed her trembling body. Violet was nervous, and it was justifiable - it was the first day of her school after all.

Her entire body froze when she noticed the sound of footsteps behind her.

"You're the new girl aren't you? The one with the dead father.. Pathetic." The blonde boy sneered at her.

Violet felt a sudden burst of anger rush through her veins, "If you speak about my father or myself that way I will not hesitate to break your jaw."

"Woah there! Calm down Bud. Can't you sensitive girls take a joke for once?" He laughed mockingly.

"I'm not your bud, you got that? What if your father passed away? Would you tolerate anyone joking about it?" She scolded, a stern glint in her sea blue eyes. "Simmer down there.." The boy could only mutter, cheeks red in embarrassment.

"I'm Billy Andrews." He started out, unsure what to say.

"I don't recall asking you for your name, Andrews." Violet snapped at him. "Looney in the head, that one." Billy muttered as he walked away from her.

Violet felt her eyes fill up with bitter tears, was this really how everyone in Avonlea was going to treat her?

"What's wrong miss?" A familiar voice entered her mind space, and for a second, Violet thought that she was dreaming.

Turning around and getting lost in his honey like eyes, she was indeed in the real world. Only then did she notice the concerned look on his face: lips curled downwards, eyebrows furrowed and his soft caramel eyes glinting with a hint of worry. She felt her cheeks dampen with tears that she did not even notice were shed.

"Is everyone here as unpleasant as Billy Andrews?" She questioned shakily, forcing a smile. "I can assure you that we aren't." His look of worry was replaced with one of glee.

Her fake smile turned into a genuine one as he looped her arm in his, her senses turning blurry as the tingly feeling in her heart returned. Fingers brushing past each other, two heart beats increasing, the pair walked side by side on their way to the schoolhouse.

"You never did tell me your name.." Violet breathed out, her lips tugging upwards softly as much as she tried to stop it.

"Gilbert Blythe." He mused aloud, scanning the beauty of the serene walk. "That's a nice name. Gilbert." Violet genuinely expressed. It was a gorgeous name, a wonderful fit for the gorgeous boy.

Gilbert smiled to himself, he did love his name, but the way that this mysterious brunette pronounced it — with a blissful elegance that he had never seen before, and the slightest french accent shining through, made him cherish it even more.

"And what about yours?" Gilbert questioned as he turned to Violet, mocha eyes locking with sea blue ones. "You'll find out soon enough," Violet grinned, "I'm worth the wait, I promise."

The brunette left a blushing Gilbert Blythe standing in the middle of a forest, running playfully to the school.

"At least we've established that we're going to be friends.." He whispered to himself, too shocked to move from his position.

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