06. soul sisters

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Violet slumped back home with a content look on her face — she had worked hard, and worked well indeed. The tutoring session was extremely fruitful, and Gilbert was patient and understanding with her: even through her smallest doubts. Violet did not know whether she hated or loved how perfect he was: the way his honey eyes lit up when she solved a sum correctly, or the way he talked about math with a passion that she had only seen Dana talking about fashion with. She dragged herself to her room as she plopped her head on her soft pillow, slowly twirling her hair with a dazed look on her face.

Her cheeks flushed softly, she sunk into my bed, drawing patterns on the woollen blanket with her fingers.

She could not stop smiling.

And even when she thought she the day could not get any better, the universe proved her wrong. Maybe it was the fact that her sixteenth birthday was coming up that completely slipped her mind that shocked her when the next few events occurred, or maybe it was life just being spontaneous.

"Violet love! Someone's here for you." Her mother's tender voice echoed in her brain, shaking her from her haze. The brunette  lazily got up from my bed and straightened her skirt, combing through her silky hair. She walked down the stairs, her smile growing wider and wider as she caught short glimpses of who was downstairs.

A gorgeous woman about Violet's age with thick golden locks and emerald green eyes smiled expectantly at her, wrapping her arms around the other girl in a bone crushing hug as soon as she descended downstairs.

It was Dana Williams.

"Oh Dana! I've missed you dearly.." Violet's eyes crinkled as she whispered into her shoulders, Dana hugging her tighter at her words.

"My goodness Viola, I've missed you too! I got all of your letters and I can't wait to meet everyone and do everything and oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" She squeezed Violet, prompting the girl to smile. Dana was there with her — she wasn't dreaming; her bosom friend was hugging her in the moment. And Violet felt whole.

"Dana will be celebrating your sixteenth birthday this month with you, I hope you like your birthday surprise." Katherine Greene exclaimed contently: she knew how much moving made Violet distraught, yet she also knew how Dana Williams made her daughter feel whole.

"Thank you mother, I hope you know how much I appreciate this and you." Violet smiled gratefully at her mother.

Melodious laughter filled the Greene Manor as Violet chattered for hours and hours with her friend. Her shy demeanour was lifted as soon as she saw Dana: her best friend made her feel right at home. It was probably the soft smell of London's roses that she carried, or the way her hair was tied in plaits that most of the children of their city wore that made Violet feel right at ease.

"Anyone or anything new that I need to know about, Vi?" Dana inquired with a taunting look on her face.

"Not anyone worth mentioning." Violet smirked and threw a pillow playfully at Dana as she chuckled loudly. Dana had that effect on people: always making them laugh and be the best version of themselves.

"Come on Vi, we all know that you have a tendency to attract those of the male gender... Or are you still hung up on Jack?" She questioned, seriously this time.

"Oh god no!" Violet exclaimed, "He was never more than a brother to me..."

Dana's smile melted away like ice on a sunny day, "Vi.. you can't just lead someone on like that.."

"I owed it to our friendship to find out if we could be more..."

Dana nodded in agreement, she had done the same with her beau Anthony, but had broken it off as soon as she realised that her feelings for him would always remain strictly platonic.

The next thing the girls knew, they were devouring their dinner contently. After all, there was no one to judge them for being 'unladylike' (Katherine Greene could only watch them with a knowing smile, smart enough not to ruin her daughter's day by reprimanding their table manners)

Violet went to sleep under the stars and next to her dearest friend — her soul sister. And for the first time since she came to Avonlea, all was well.

Violet was happy.

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rewritten ✅

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