03. cream violets

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Anne Shirley - Cuthbert certainly did not expect to have a good day. She could not sleep the previous night, therefore her state was completely unpresentable. Red hair uncombed, dress wrinkled: completely miserable.

But when a certain brunette entered the schoolhouse, smiling broadly and warmly, she knew it was going to be a good day.

"Hello, I'm Violet Greene." The newcomer shyly greeted the crowd of girls huddled around her, Anne only watching her in awe from afar. The quiet girl was absolutely gorgeous in her eyes: ice blue eyes waiting to be thawed and melted, sleek body draped in a simple yet beautiful lace dress, waves of hair trickling down her waist.

Anne had to meet her.

She pushed through the crowd and smiled a toothy grin at her, which she reciprocated immediately. "I'm Anne, but do spell it with an E. I think you look absolutely exquisite, like a princess from a foreign land! May I ask what your name is?"

"I'm Violet, but please call me Vi." She smiled brightly at Anne, playing with the silken cloth of her school dress. Anne took note of that, it was rather adorable really: the way her hands fidgeted nervously as she smiled confidently — two actions, completely contradicting each other.

"This is Diana, and Tilly, and Ruby, and Jane, and Moody, and Josie Pye, and Charlie, and that is Gilbert." Anne introduced enthusiastically, holding the girl's hands tightly.

"It's incredible to meet you all." Violet smiled weakly, slightly overwhelmed by the experience. A blonde girl - Ruby Gillis - pulled Violet to the side, warning her of what was to come. "I just want to make this clear - I've liked Gilbert for three years.. and I have dibs. You can't talk to him, you can't even look at him." Ruby explained slowly, Violet's eyes widening at the information.

"Okay listen up here — you or any of your 'pals' cannot control who I can or cannot talk to. It is petty and childish and frankly you need to grow up. I shall talk to whoever I please, and you are not going to get in the way of that, Ruby." Violet deadpanned, Ruby giving her a death glare.

"You can talk to him, but if he starts to like you - I will never, ever speak to you again." Ruby negotiated. Violet rolled her eyes at her and hesitantly nodded, wanting to get away from her as fast as possible.

She sighed as she sat next to Anne, engaging in the discussion that their teacher - Miss Stacy - was initiating.

It was going to be a long day, that was for sure.

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