09. merely friends

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I WAVED TO Dana and Jack as they hopped onto their carriage and left town. My heart sank. The two people that actually understood me and grew up with me were leaving. And for good this time. I wiped a stray tear and strolled back home.

I mustered up a smile as the warm spring breeze kissed my cheek, and I admired the nature around me. Blooming daisies adorned the pixie green grass and made the scene so much more serene. I stopped by a stream and looked at the crystal clear water in a haze. It reminded me so much of the lake in my garden back home. I just couldn't resist. I took of my sandals and dipped my feet into the water body and sighed.

"May I join you?" I heard a familiar honey-like voice echo into my head.

I turned back and gazed at the figure in front of me, nodding as he sat beside me. He removed his own shoes and dipped his feet into the water, and from his peaceful gaze I knew that he loved the water as much as I did, if not more.

"Do you like it here? In Avonlea?" He asked, and I smiled.

"It's absolutely wonderful here, the people are kind and the place is beautiful. I love London, but maybe the countryside is what I needed."

His uncertain expression turned into an ecstatic smile and he scooped me into his firm arms, as I slowly laid my head on his shoulder. Our figures fit each other perfectly, like puzzle pieces intertwined.

I started to play with his soft curls and he kissed my forehead gently, as if I was a fragile piece of china. We stayed like this for a while, time does fly fast when you're having fun. Neither of us said a word, and we didn't have to. We just existed. In harmony.



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