07. glamorous days

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Violet strongly believed that the next day would be off to a blissful start. Well, it was an understatement to say that she was terribly wrong. The woman was awoken by her best friend, a rather early bird, right before sunrise, Violet grumbling in bed and clutching the blanket tightly — longing for its warmth once more. "Dana, what time is it?" Violet yawned, rubbing her eyes vigorously.

"It may or may not be five in the morning." Dana whistled innocently, hiding her look of terror. Everyone close to Violet knew that she was incredibly scary in the morning.

"FIVE IN THE MORNING! THAT MEANS WE'VE ONLY SLEPT FOR FOUR HOURS! Who let you think that that was okay?" Violet questioned aggressively with an annoyed look in her eyes, Dana smiling at her behaviour.

"But we need to get ready Vi.." Dana stated like it was the most obvious thing. "Beauty takes time."

"Beauty only takes time for you since you look like an elvish troll." Violet glared daggers at Dana, the blonde only laughing at her enraged demeanour. Violet had a tendency to insult people early in the morning, and Dana took no heed to her daily comment — she had known Violet for the entirety of their lives. Dana was used to it, even finding it amusing. Katherine Greene was best friends with Cassandra Williams nee Rogers, so they had planned for the two to be born around the same time, and Dana and Violet grew up like sisters because of this.

"I'll let you sleep for another half an hour. Deal?" Dana asked her meekly, twirling her blonde hair with one hand. "Make it an hour." Violet firmly announced, Dana only shaking her head fondly. "An hour it is."

Violet was shaken awake by an impatient Dana at six am, and the pair decided to get ready for school.

Dana scanned her with a twinkle in her eyes, "Maybe it's time we spice up your appearance."

"Are you going to try make me look like you again?" Violet chuckled softly. "Yes, yes I am. Do not question my methods," Dana declared mirthfully.

"It better not turn out like last time.." Violet's eyes widened as both the girls shuddered. Violet's last makeover was unmentionable for many different reasons.

"I assure you that it won't."

Dana set to work, twirling Violet's hair and setting it in a simple yet elaborate hairstyle. Dana knew Violets style was rather simple: shades of soft pastels compared to her bright and extravagant dresses. She knew that this time she would get the transformation correct.

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