04. dazed gazes

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The school day was, in fact eventful. Violet grew close with Anne, giggling at jokes, expressing herself in newly found, wordy, phrases. School was not as bad as she had anticipated - she answered every single question directed to her in class, and her peers thought her to be quite likeable.

Although it was, after school, when her problems began. She had just finished a geography report about the provinces of Canada, and was getting up to go home and tell her mother about the eventful day. Miss Stacy, however, had different plans for the girl. "Violet, Gilbert, please stay back." The teacher called out, causing Ruby Gillis to shoot her a perplexed look, which Violet brushed off.

Violet avoided his honeyed eyes, scared to get lost in them, and stared right in front at the teacher. "Violet, there are things that we have done in this classroom that you have not even begun yet. This is why I would like Gilbert to tutor you."

Violet's face visibly paled, "But I answered every single question today correctly - in english, in geography, in history and even the social sciences.. I can do this on my own Miss, with all due respect."

"There is one subject you haven't mentioned yet — math. We are far more advanced in that subject, and this is why Gilbert here needs to tutor you." Miss Stacy explained.

"I really don't need his help.." Violet muttered under her breathe as Miss Stacy directed the two to a secluded table on the side of the classroom.

"This will occur every day after school until you have caught up with the subject.." The teacher looked at the two in anticipation, "Starting today."

"Alright Miss." Gilbert softly spoke, sensing Violet's change in mood. The teacher then left the school house, leaving Violet and Gilbert alone.

"Why won't you look at me?" Gilbert asked as Violet drummed her fingers on the desk, softly humming.

"Because if I do, I won't be able to stop." Violet honestly answered, fingers fumbling with the edge her dress.

Gilbert went silent for a few seconds as he stared at the nonchalant girl in front of him.

"Violet, look at me." Gilbert finally demanded, and that gentle yet pleading tone made Violet look up into his eyes. The sunlight was not the one who made his eyes twinkle like honey this time - it was her. They gleamed as he scanned the girl in front of her, and even though she seemed to put on a strong front, he knew that her barriers were slowly wearing apart from his gaze.

"Why won't you speak to me?" Violet inhaled at his voice, ignoring the way her heart fluttered at his words. She could drink in his words like a strong wine and enjoy feeling tipsy, in a haze and head spinning as she looked at him.

"Ruby.." Violet started, elaborating for Gilbert to understand, "She has liked you for three years."

"But why does that matter, V—"

"It doesn't. But I just got here, and I definitely do not want to ruin friendships that could last me a lifetime over someone I've barely said two words to.. No offence or anything.." Violet sympathetically explained, "I spoke to Ruby today on multiple occasions, and she's quite actually a lovely girl. She's caring and sensitive, and so what if she likes you, Gil? I think feelings that emerge as such are beautiful and should not be antagonised, no matter what the situation."

Gilbert gazed at her as she droned on and on about her situation, frowned lips upturning upon how genuine and gentle she looked; she was the only real thing in the world.

He had never met someone who expressed raw emotion as she did— no one ever spoke to him that way. With the girls, especially Ruby, it was always the batting of the eyelashes, and the feigned trip so that he could catch her. But Violet, she did not need anyone to catch her. She was herself around him, and he adored that. Violet was warm, spreading rays of joy as she smiled widely, aquamarine eyes staring at him innocently as she spoke.

"So you do get why we shouldn't interact, right?" Violet's desperate tone made him shake his head slowly, "You know what Violet? Screw Ruby."

Gilbert expected her nose to crinkle up in disgust, walking away from his obscene language. But once again, Violet Greene surprised him.

"I'm sure she would like you to." The girl muttered under her breathe, causing Gilbert to erupt into peals of laughter. His chuckle was light, and laced with a hum of amusement at her witty comment.

Violet wanted to hear that laugh forever.

"Do you want go somewhere else and study? It is quite stuffy here.." Violet smiled to herself, playing with a pencil.

"I think I know just the place."

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rewritten ✅

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