18. other interests

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It arrived on a Friday morning. The sun had not risen yet and Violet was swinging in her garden, when her mother passed the note onto her with a soft smile. The familiar red seal made Violet squeal in delight before she opened the letter and consumed its contents.


I miss you too, my love. I am terribly sorry to hear about the situation between you and Gilbert. He genuinely seemed like someone good. Someone for you. But sometimes, our instincts can be wrong. They get tangled into our lives and drag us down sometimes. It's okay to love someone. Anyone. It's our human nature. Don't you dare beat yourself up for caring about him, or for mourning the loss of your relationship. It's human to express emotion.

I will be there for the ball. It took my parents lots of convincing but I shall arrive on Friday along with an escort for you. I cannot leave my best friend hanging, can I? I'll always be there for you, Violet. Whenever you call me. You're my sister and I love you dearly. I would drop everything in the world to come for you.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Dana Williams"

Violet smiled at the paper, thrilled that her best friend would arrive on that day itself. She had been looking for solace, and she had found it. Sure, Lizzie had been there. Lizzie was always there. But there was a closeness she felt with Dana that could not be replicated.

Could not be replaced.

Dana Williams was her favourite person in the entire world. Violet hoped that in all parallel universes, she and Dana would be this close.

She sighed in content before re entering the house and getting dressed for school. Her dress was bright and positive and warm. Hair adorned into bows, she grinned at herself in the mirror. Dana would meet her at the school itself, informed her mother. The details were coordinated between the mothers: Katherine Greene adored speaking to Cassandra Williams, and did whenever she could.

Violet skipped to school with a soulful expression painted on her face. Her sketchbook was tucked into her basket: lately, she had focused on drawing more. She had been meeting up with Cole, who had taken a liking to the girl. He had confided his secret to her and she had smiled and confided hers. After that, they were even more connected.

The air was chilled and kissed her cheeks daintily and the—

Violet halted.

Her eyes examined what was in front of her.

The pathway that lead to the stream. And the back of Gilbert Blythe's head. He was following the pact. He was trying to show up. He was there he was there he was—

Violet didn't care.

She walked past the stream. She would visit it later, with Dana. The brunette would not cloud her memories of her favourite place in Avonlea just because of a boy.

But the Sun was rising and Violet was mesmerised. She walked forward and admired the growth of grass and vibrant flowers, as she plucked one and tucked it in her hair.

The aura reverberated inside of her, and something in her twisted. Effortlessly, nature had embraced her. Created peace in her. And Violet wanted to bathe in the sunlight forever, and immerse herself in it.

She was golden, in the Sun's light. Body and soul. Sitting on a large rock, she pulled out her sketchbook and began to trace the rays with charcoal.


"Can't–breathe!" Violet exclaimed into Dana's shoulder.

The blonde had squeezed her into the tightest hug upon their reunification. "Jesus, Viola, show some enthusiasm!" Dana chuckled once she loosened the hug.

The two were standing inside the schoolhouse, students bustling around them. "I missed you so much," Violet mumbled into her shoulder.

"I missed you too, love, I really did," Dana felt her lips curl up, "There's not much to do in London without you."

"I can imagine so," Violet let go of Dana and looked her in the eye with a mischievous grin, "Who did you call here as my escort? Dana, I really hope it isn't someone I detest–"

Dana gasped in mock offence, "You wound me, Violet! Do you trust me so little!"

"Shut up, Dana," Violet remarked with a chuckle. She really had missed the girl.

"IbroughtJack." Dana murmured under her breath.


"I brought Jack," Her voice was still a whisper, camouflaged by the rest of the students.

"Louder, sil te plait."

"I brought Jack."

Violet was wide eyed in shock.

"Jack! Time for your grand entrance!" Dana called out. Jack entered the schoolhouse with a wide grin, "Took you long enough, Dana."

"No one asked, Jack." She responded swiftly.

Violet felt her soul smile at their banter. "Jack, can we speak?"

"Always, Violet."

"I just... I don't want you to get the wrong idea about what we are," Violet explained with a hand on his shoulder. "I genuinely see you as a friend, a good one too, but nothing more. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I do, Violet," Jack was sincere in his speech, "Trust me when I say that any past feelings for you have evaporated. Besides, I have other... interests now."


Jack only responded with a knowing smile, "I'll see you at the ball, friend. Now, I shall head back to your house as a certain Katherine Greene and I have to catch up over tea."

Violet couldn't help but widen her grin at that. She adored how her mother was like a second one to Jack. "Oh, but wait– I need to introduce you to all my friends. I couldn't do it last time properly."

Jack looked around the classroom, until his eyes landed on Cole. "What's his name?"

"Who?" Violet searched the room for who Jack was speaking about.

"What's his name?" His gaze never wavered from him.

"Oh, that's just Cole Mackenzie. Dashing, trustworthy, slightly reserved and adores making sculptures." Violet said casually but knowingly, "Want me to introduce you?"

"I adore you, Violet, do you know that? I've always secretly preferred you over Dana," Jack spoke jokingly.

"Hey!" Dana suddenly appeared and slapped his shoulder, "I heard that, you ratbag!"

"That the only insult you got?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I have compiled a list of Shakespearean insults just for you, sweetheart," Dana spoke in a sugared tone.


"You stock fish, you three inched fool, you dried neat's tongue—"

"Jesus, okay, I get the picture!"

Violet couldn't contain her laughter.

These were her people.

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