28. healing

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When Gilbert had left her, Violet had crumbled.

Raw edges at the seams, she cried until her chest was hollow and her heart poured open. She sobbed in the arms of Dana, who had lovingly stroked her hair and consoled her. Dana had vowed to make Violet as happy again, on that very day, that very moment, in her grand mansion in London.

Violet was aching, but it was not Dana who had saved her.

Dana had given her all she could, and Violet loved her for it, the way a sister would love her family, but it was not the sole reason why she got out of bed and resumed her daily routine.

Violet was rotting in bed, and it was Sylvie who had saved her.

It was a casual Wednesday morning, and Sylvie had strutted into the Williams Manor with raw candour and gleaming eyes.

"Violet!" She had called out. "I have something for you."

"Who is it?" Violet had murmured weakly, her hair unwashed and unfurled, eyes red and sodden.

"Did you forget about me already, love?" Sylvie barged in with a lovely smile. "It's okay, I remember enough for the both of us. Cmon, let's get you out of bed, sweet little thing."

"I can't," The brunette's voice was a whisper, husky and hoarse. "He... He- He left me."

"Oh ... I'm so sorry, mon cœur." Sylvie slid in besides Violet, taking her hands and kissing them softly.

"Tu peux parler en français? Je n'ai pas su." Violet had mumbled.

"Oui, je suis française. Et vous?"

"Mon père était français... Il me manque, Sylvie."

Sylvie instinctively embraced her, and rivers of sadness rushed down Violet's cheeks almost instantly.

Over the next week, Sylvie had helped Violet out of bed, untangled her hair and washed it with fresh rose water, wiped away the dirt from her face with warm, moist towels, and bought her a beautiful bouquet of sweet smelling lilies.

Sylvie Evans had saved Violet's life. And Violet owed her everything.

It did not take them by surprise when months after, Violet had leaned in and placed her lips on Sylvie's.

"Are you sure, mon cœur?" Sylvie's dripped with desperation, longing for answers. Her hands wandered onto Violet's hips, causing sparks to erupt onto the brunette's body.

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