16. moments

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Elizabeth Lynde had proved to be a lovely companion.

Violet had found a closeness in her that resembled the relationship she had with Andromeda, a close companion back home. Andromeda had passed away due to Tuberculosis when the girls were both twelve, and Violet had never recovered from it. She found that she pushed away loss in the depths of her mind, memories rotting away like decaying wood.

But Violet could see so much of Andromeda in Lizzie.

The way her green eyes shimmered with determination, her soft witty comments and elegant way of holding herself—even though she was a product of an orphanage. Completely opposite to Anne yet so similar, she was a paradox. A contradiction to herself.

Lizzie conducted herself with the grace of a monarch, yet sometimes Violet could not decipher if her demeanour was a mask or a looking glass into her soul.

Who was Elizabeth Lynde, really?

Elizabeth was warm and loving and peppered Violet with compliments and embraced her with kindness. Elizabeth listened, truly listened to everything Violet had to say. Elizabeth was present. She was there. She was real and tangible.

And Violet was willing to look past her doubts and accept that.

"Violet!" The girl grinned, "Good morning. How are you doing?"

"I am in heaven," Violet declared with mirth shining in her eyes, "Have you received your invitation to the Barry Ball yet? I got mine yesterday."

The Barry Ball was an event hosted by Diana and her family every August to celebrate their imports and exports of the year. It was considered a 'grand event' according to Jane and Josie Pye, and was the one place where everyone showcased their wealth openly via their lavish clothes and jewellery.

"Diana delivered it to my house personally," Lizzie said proudly, touched by Diana's kindness. "It feels so good to be a part of something, don't you think?"

"I do, I really really do." Violet pondered, "You'll find a sense of family here that you cannot get anywhere else. Especially with Diana around. She's like being bathed in sunlight."

"You really think that?" An awestruck voice echoed from behind her. Diana's dimples were on full display.

"I do." That response elicited Violet the longest hug she had ever received. Lizzie watched the pair with admiration.

"Excuse me?" Lizzie questioned with a smile. The two girls laughed and gestured for her to join in. Their group hug caused positivity to bloom in Violets chest. She felt so much lighter around them and so much freer.


Gilbert Blythe was tired.

They say patience is a virtue, but is it really? Time, to him, was relative. It passed slowly when he there was something he desired with his entire heart.

His grandfather clock mocked him. Every tick, every chime, was a reminder of what he didn't have—who he didn't have.

Wasted moments flew away like the puffs of a dandelion.

God knows how many moments Gilbert had wasted when his father was alive. Those moments haunted him every day.

He never wanted to waste one again.

His father had left. He was the smokey remains of Gilbert's past. He would never see that smile again, or hear the passion in his voice when he narrated his voyages.

He would do anything to listen to those stories again.

Gilbert could not put his life on hold. He could not wait. It had been so long and he needed to breathe.

So, when he walked into Dr. Ward's office, he was weary. His eyes were worn down and his curls messy and disheveled.

And then he saw her.

A beautiful blonde with pale blue eyes casually conversing with a skeleton statue. How was she so easygoing? It was as if she was untouched by the perils of life. Gilbert couldn't help but stare with awe and envy.

Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed him examining her.

"Oh, good morning! You must be Gilbert, if i'm not mistaken? I'm Winifred Rose, but you can call me Winnie," Her voice was elegant and poised and everything he was not.

"That would be me," Gilbert spoke with a small grin, "Is Dr. Ward in yet?"

Winnie replied swiftly, "Yes he is, I'll just inform him that you've arrived."

She began walking to his office.

Gilbert felt the grandfather clock tick in his ears. Running out of time running out of time running out of time—


She turned her head and smiled a beautiful smile. Her eyes were so similar to Violet's. Gilbert felt his stomach lurch—what was he doing?

"Would you like to join me for tea later?" His voice was shaky and unsure, but one smile from Winnie caused his embarrassment to subside.

"That sounds lovely."

His lungs clenched and he couldn't breathe. Guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty—

Of what? He was just preserving his moments. Holding his seconds and minutes and hours close to his heart. Not wasting a single one. Moments moments moments moments moments—

"Come on, Gilbert," Dr. Ward welcomed him momentarily, "Shall we get started?"

He then joined the doctor and began learning about the immune system, more specifically phagocytes and their functions.

He listened intently, but his mind was full. Crowded with thoughts of two different blue eyed girls.

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