32. the big question

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Gilbert woke up with a start, Violet sleeping soundly next to him. Today was the big day. Today was the day that he was going to show Violet how much she truly meant to him. Violet was the single love of his life, and she deserved the very best. Gilbert smiled, he was going to give her everything she ever desired.

He rung a number on his brand new telephone and whispered into it, "Are all the preparations ready Di? Great.. I'm going to do it. I'm going to propose this evening." He put the phone down and spent the rest of this day with glee, ignoring the looming possibility at the back of his mind that she might reject him.

"What's got you in such a good mood." Violet mused as she pecked his lips and made way into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Gilbert caught her wrist and twirled her into his arms, "There's no need for you to make dinner today my love. As per my good mood, you'll find out soon.." Violet only chuckled as he removed a stray curl from her face, "Go all out today, wear something beautiful, even though you look absolutely stunning in everything." Gilbert said as he gazed into her blue eyes. "Alright." She stared back into his eyes, turning a shade of red, and left to change.

Violet Greene was curious. Gilbert was acting strange today, and in a good way. What could he possibly be so happy about? She put aside her thoughts and decided to get ready. Looking at a fiery red ball gown, she decided it was the way to go. She put on the sleek and revealing gown, capturing her perfect curves and body. She left her raven locks down and tucked an innocent white flower behind her ear, completely contrasting the rest of her attire. Violet applied hints of blush at the edge of her soft cheeks and deep red lipgloss on her plump lips. She chose a shade of grey for her eyeshadow, and applied it carefully. She sprayed hints of her cherry perfume on her, and then looked in the mirror for a few seconds.

Satisfied with her look, she put on a pair of matching red heels and walked outside the room. Gilbert was already there, wearing an utterly dashing suit that framed his figure perfectly. His honey eyes lit up in awe as he saw the woman in front of him: she was perfect. "You look incredible." The both of them said at the same time and then burst into heaps of laughter. "Great minds think alike." Gilbert smiled at her, and Violet beamed at him while walking outside.

Violet stared at the daunting full moon before noticing that a carriage hadn't arrived yet. "Where's the carriage Gil?" She questioned. "We don't need one tonight Lettie.." He hummed as he took her hand, jolts of electricity sending the both of them into heaven.

Violet gasped as she saw silver candles on the grass, forming a path. She knew exactly where that same path led: her beloved stream. The red flames crackling in the wind matched her attire and lit up her mesmerising eyes, Gilbert could only stare at her without uttering a word as they walked. He checked his pocket for the velvet box, and there it laid; Gilbert could only hope that she would accept his proposal.

Violet's jaw dropped when she saw how mind numbingly beautiful the vicinity looked: candles and lights on the tree, the moonlight carefully reflecting on the droplets of the gushing stream, the distant sound of melodious birds singing, and lastly but certainly not the least, a table draped with white cloth, a single rose with a vase in the middle of it. Violet bent down and picked up the rose to smell it, "This is beautiful Gilbert, thank y—"

She turned mid sentence and stopped abruptly as she saw Gilbert on one knee, holding an enviable, beaming diamond in his hand. The rose fell from her frail hands to the lush green grass in shock."I don't know what to say Gil.." Violet said, tears of happiness welling in her ocean eyes.

"Then let me speak Lettie." He chuckled, his chocolate eyes filled with tears too.

"Ever since I bumped into you almost five years ago, I knew you were the one. You've changed me, both body and soul, you've bewitched me, and I want you: and only you. Every day I've spent with you for these few years has been utter heaven.

You're my muse, the medicine to my pain, and you've been there with me when I've both laughed and cried. You're my rock Violet Greene, you're the one and only love of my life. Not another girl can compare to you, and I'm not even speaking about your angelic beauty. Your sarcastic comments, witty remarks and a unique sense of humour keep me on my feet—Vi do you know that you're the only woman that has ever challenged me?"

Violet shook her head and chuckled as tears began to fall, this was really happening, he was really going to ask her to be his wife: his life partner.

Gilbert smiled at he reaction and continued, "I would like to thank you for your unconditional love and support through all of my situations, I mean you've even stuck by me when things got the hardest. I, till this date, regret leaving you: the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I know in my heart, mind and soul that I will never leave you again and put you through all that pain. You're it for me Violet, you're the one that I want for the rest of my life, if you'll have me. I want to look at your gorgeous blue eyes the first thing in the morning, I want to go to sleep to the sound of your melodious voice. I want you, all of you.

So, my dearest Lettie, the love of my life, my best friend, my saviour, my rock, my absolute everything, will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

Violet was stunned for a second before hysterically laughing, "Yes! Yes yes yes! A thousand times yes Gil! I love you so much and I would absolutely love to spend the rest of my life with you." Gilbert grinned ecstatically as he got up from his previous position and slid the ring on her ring finger as they both cried tears of joy.

Violet spoke again through sobs, "You're my soulmate Gil, I don't know what I would do without you, I cant believe that this is all real I—"

She was interrupted by Gilbert placing his lips on her passionately and all she could do was enjoy his sweet, soft lips on hers. Shrouded from the rest of the world, the two laughed with delight and hysteria as they pulled away. "My dear fiancé, would you like to go for a swim?" Violet smiled at him. "My future wife, I would love to." Gilbert smiled at Violet's use of the word 'fiancé'

The pair slipped off their clothes and entered the stream, the perfectly chilly water engulfing their bodies. Gilbert embraced her tightly from behind and whispered, "You're fucking gorgeous." Violet felt her entire face flush: Gilbert never cursed, but when such obscene words rolled off his sweet tongue, Violet couldn't help but admire how strikingly handsome he was.

They stayed there for hours on the line, celebrating the new stage in their relationship, admiring each other's presence in the alluring moonlight.

Even then, they could feel the electricity that ran through their veins.



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