10. sweater weather

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"Oh I cannot believe you're here, Vi!" Anne gasped, a blush blooming on her delicate skin. The two were at Green Gables, in the room for tea. Walls painted white and cherry coloured delicacies brightened the room, along with the fiery hair of Anne and her delightful dimples.

Violet grinned, adjusting her dress self consciously, feeling herself being pulled into Anne's eyes. "I am beyond delighted to be here. Now, where is the tea? I am simply starved for entertainment."

Sizzling pots, warm tea and anecdotes of the mere certainty of life floated about the room, a magnetic pull being intertwined between the girls. It felt like something had changed in their dynamic - something blooming, something booming, something exasperating. The passion of emotions overflowed in the minds of them both, creeping up on them both by chance. And what was a chance, but a mere gamble if it was taken?

Violet could not quite catch her breath as Anne spoke, the words tumbling from her lips like a magnificent waterfall: ever so passionate and flowing. "A splendour of the most egregious words were written upon those papers- oh, Vi, I must show you!"

Violet sipped her tea, blue eyes shining through with soft mirth, "It should be a crime that you have not shown me this yet. I adore seeing things that my friends are passionate about."

Anne stiffened up, just slightly, but Violet noticed. It was what Anne always adored about her companion. Violet always noticed. The small details, the large vivid ones, the ones that were soft and loud and textured and contained every beauty in the world.

"Is that all there is to this?" Anne paused, eyes clearing in thought, "Friendship?"

"Is it - is it right for there to be more? More than what we are currently doing?" Violet contemplated aloud, her heart echoed in her senses. Each thump was a reminder of what it beat for.

"We create what is right and what is wrong. Fundamentally, this feels right to me," Anne moved closer, feeling Violet tower over her. Hands were interlaced, eyes were locked, cheeks were blooming with possibility. "Does it feel right to you, Violet Greene?"

Violet kissed her.

Quaint and mellow, like a forgotten stream yet all the more beautiful, in the way the touch rippled - in the way her mind blossomed with clarity. Anne was her right.

Violet kissed her until she couldn't breathe. She felt dizzied, tangible, inexplicable emotions coursing through her veins and it was wonderful.

Anne was wonderful. But how would her mother accept this? How would anyone accept this?

Violet pulled away. "This has to be a secret."

"Okay," Anne nodded, squeezing her hand, "Okay. Anything you need."

Violet kissed Anne's cheek, and then her forehead. "So," She chuckled, "That was... incredible."

"Incredible is an understatement, Violet," Anne spoke sincerely, cupping the raven haired girl's cheek.

"Are we - are we courting now?"

"If you want to, we can, but if you don't then -"

Violet smiled to herself, "I would love to."

Anne grinned, "It's decided then."

EDIT — you honestly don't know how long i've been waiting to rewrite this absolute mess of a chapter. i'm not too happy with this whole anne as a love interest plot but oh well! hope you enjoyed it:)

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