08. finally sixteen

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Violet's eyes fluttered open, a small smile carving her features into something even angelic. It was her birthday, the 23rd of May, a day that she celebrated with her family, especially her father.

Oh, she missed her father greatly. Him with his warm tea and heavy coats and half moon glasses that he'd always let her try on. Him with his large heart and gleaming soul, decorated with battered diamonds and ruby's and the purest of gold. Her heart ached for him, the way he had simply left, leaving the real world and descending into spirituality.

Violet wished that the universe was taking care of him. Hot oil trailed down her chin, she wiped the tears quickly. She would not cry over him on her birthday. She would appreciate the day and what it would bring and enjoy. The memory of him was locked in another shelf of her mind, she would spill her greying emotions another day.

She tiredly rose from her bed, getting ready for school. A blue dress that matched the careful hues of her eyes, ruffles and silk and material that made her sigh in delight was adorned by her.

Her eyes were still weary.

Dana entered the room with a wide grin, green eyes sparkling with all that was pure in the world, "Happy birthday, my lovely sweet Violet. Wait... what's wrong?"

Violet couldn't control herself, "I miss him so much, Dana. My head hurts from crying."

"Oh, sweetheart," Dana whispered, instantly embracing Violet and stroking her hair, "It's going to be okay. And if it isn't today, it will be someday. You will be able to look back at him and smile at his memory. You will be able to feel good about yourself when thinking about him. It will be okay, darling. I promise."

"I love you so much," Violet choked out. That was what Violet loved ardently about Dana, the fact that she could be humorous and deep at the same time. Her thoughts, her emotions, all had so much beauty wrapped into it. If Violet had a sister, it would have to have been Dana Williams.

"Oh, Violet, I love you too," The blonde muttered, "Today is your day, we will have the best time together and celebrate you. Sixteen years ago my best friend in the whole world was born, and I want to tell the world how much I love her, and how splendid she is. She needs to know how spectacular she is, how truly beautiful she is. And I will tell her every day if I must."

Violet cracked a small smile, "I love your hugs and your soul."

"I love your hugs and your soul too," Dana mirrored the expression, "Now let's get to school, shall we?"


Anne was the first one to embrace Violet. It was soft and perplexing and warm and the ebony haired girl couldn't help but appreciate it.

The school celebrated Violet's soul, and birthday wishes were given every now and then. Charlie and Moody had plucked her a bouquet of sweet smelling honeysuckles, Ruby had gifted her a delicate handkerchief and Jane approached her with a gorgeous mirror. Anne had written her a pile of poems, all speaking about her beauty. Dana and her mother had gifted her 3 gorgeous dresses back at home.

Gilbert Blythe approached Violet Greene.

The boy extended his arm, revealing a velvet box. It looked fine and lavish and soft to touch. Violet's eyes widened in appreciation.

"Happy birthday, Vi," He grinned boyishly, running a hand through his curls, "You move mountains and make the stars look dull. No present can capture your essence, but I hope this measures up."

Violet looked at him, just for a second. She was speechless.

"You didn't- you didn't have to get me anything, Gilbert," She finally spoke.

"Just open it," He chuckled, like church bells, and Violet felt mesmerised.

Violet opened it carefully. Inside was a beautiful necklace that shone stark silver and had a delicate sunflower pendant in the middle. The colour was mellow and composed and somehow it felt like Gilbert's essence. It was composed of what looked like diamonds and a few other rare stones. She felt her cheeks bloom, and her heart stop.

"It's a sunflower for that one time at the field, I hope it was as memorable for you as it was for me."

"Thank you," Violet smiled, so wide and so sincerely that Gilbert physically felt like he was falling, "Thank you so much. You mean a great deal to me too. You mean more than a great deal. You mean everything to me and more."

And then she embraced him tightly and nuzzled her head on his shoulder: he seemed startled at first but slowly melted into her touch. Gilbert Blythe did not want to let go. Ever. He appreciated the moment, running his hands through her hair carefully.

The pair broke apart.

"Thank you," Violet whispered, and kissed his cheek.

Gilbert watched as another figure walked through the door, with handsome features and defined cheekbones. His jaw clenched as Violet ran towards the boy and embraced him tightly. Gilbert walked away.

"I cannot believe you're here, Jack," Violet's lips curved up in excitement, "You're actually here! This is - this feels like a dream."

"So you dream about me, huh?" Jack chuckled.

Violet sighed, "Christ, Jack. You know what I meant."

"I'm just messing with you, Vi," He smiled, "Happy Birthday."

Jack handed her a worn out book, titled Pride and Prejudice. Violet's father had promised her that he would get her the book on her sixteenth birthday: they often had discussions about it, of Mr. Darcy's pride and Elizabeth Bennet's prejudice and social standing's relation and influence on the quality of life. Violet missed him ever so dearly.

"You - you - how did you-" Violet felt her throat well up with emotion, and her heart swelled up in appreciation and sadness.

"He told me how excited you were about receiving the book," Jack placed a hand on her shoulder, "I couldn't deprive you of it."

She hugged him. She cried into the embrace. He kissed her forehead.

Little did she know that a fiery haired girl and a brown eyed boy were staring at the pair, jealousy burning in their lungs.

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