12. noticing them

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Violet was sad.

Sad meant her face shuddered when she had seen Anne walking to school ahead of her. Sad meant she was too afraid to call out Anne's name. Sad was hating herself for letting Anne go. Hating the values internalised in her head for so long. But it was okay. Violet had chosen herself this time, because she could only rely on herself.

Time, time, time, time, time flew away like leaves in the autumn breeze.

Perhaps the fault lines carved in her head would too, fade in time.

Perhaps she could finally be herself.

"Are you okay?" The question paraded her the moment she entered class. Diana's eyes had widened at her state, "Violet.. what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Violet's voice was a haze as she realised how her appearance revealed the matters of her heart: disheveled locks of hair, red, watery eyes and trembling hands.

"I'm always here, if you need me. I love you, Violet," Diana whispered reassuringly. The smile that hung on her face could have brightened any dark room.

"I love you too, Diana. Thank you for being there. It means so much."

Warmth bloomed in Violet's chest, and reassurance seeped through her eyes. She had Diana. She had someone. She would be okay.

Violet's eyes followed Anne's red hair on the other side of the classroom. She was conversing with Cole and had a small smile plastered onto her lips.

She turned. Looked at Violet. Their eyes locked and she smiled weakly. Violet waved, Anne waved back. And that was that.

It was painstakingly slow. Violet couldn't help but miss Anne's signature greeting to her: a warm, crushing, comforting hug.

"Is everything between you and Anne okay?" Diana questioned delicately, "I don't want to intrude but, things just seem... off."

Diana's intuition was impeccable.

"How did you–" Violet blinked. Diana chuckled and her laugh was like sunlight.

"It's nothing too significant, we're still friends but, something happened that shook our dynamic completely," The words spilled from Violet's lips before she could stop herself.

"Good morning Violet!" A cheerful, throaty voice from behind her spoke. Violet's features instantly brightened, "Gilbert!"

You see, the pair had been brought closer through every session of tutoring, until Violet was the one that explained Gilbert those concepts: those same concepts that confounded her a month ago. They still met every day after school, just in namesake. But it was spent in eruptions of laughter and witty comments, just two people enjoying themselves and the person they were with.

Gilbert made Violet want to cherish herself forever. And that was a feeling she couldn't let go of. Not now, not ever.

Violet wrapped her arms around him and embraced him warmly, "How are you doing?"

Diana's eyes flickered towards the two before she got up and left. Her expression was knowing.

Gilbert's features softened, "I was just about to ask you the same thing. Are you- are you okay? You seem upset."

"What can you say?" Violet said softly, "Its been a rough week."

"If you need anything– anything at all– my home is open to you. I'm a good listener, I promise." Gilbert reasoned.

"I really appreciate it. And you, Gilbert. You've been so wonderful to me," Violet expressed. She felt something strange. Something she had never felt before.

"You deserve nothing less than that, Vi." Gilbert looked her up and down, and smiled. "We have our session after school today, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it," She raised an eyebrow and felt her heart beat in her ears. Her body was on the verge of combustion.

"See you then." He looked at her wistfully, and an unidentifiable emotion clouded his deep brown eyes. It passed like a wave washing against sand and retreating. Small, fleeting, but there.

Meanwhile, Diana was talking animatedly to Cole.

"Did you see how she changed when he spoke to her?" Diana spoke in a hushed tone, "It's like she lit up. They're meant for each other, Cole, I just know it."

Cole nodded with a grin. It was impossible not to notice.

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