24. scarlet and maroon

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The morning wrapped around Violet's neck like a noose.

She was recovering from her nightmare, her trauma, everything that encompassed the tragedy that was Will Greene. Her skin still shivered at the thought. The thought of—

his body, his voice, his note—

It was not Death, for I stood up,
And all the Dead, lie down-
It was not Night, for all the Bells
Put out their tongues, for Noon.

What could it possibly mean? What could it—

Violet's mind spun like clockwork. She believed she knew her father, every inch of who he was—pristine white soul and a deep, functioning heart. Death was a topic only discussed through Andromeda's demise and the poem he had made her memorise. She had first felt Death's blow when her father lay there. So scarlet it was maroon.

It was not Death, for I stood up,

Violet circled the words 'not
Death' and 'stood up' in thick, black ink.

Put out their tongues, for Noon.

She underlined the phrase 'put out their tongues.' They all had a common theme: standing up for something you believe in. Battling for a cause that makes your blood boil. Insults. The person being countered would feel insulted—

Violet thought of Frank.

Frank, who smelled like musk and cigarettes. With his protruding beard and looking glass. His lips in a venomous grin at all times. His face had not known a smile. Only sneers, only disdain, only negativity—

What if... What if...

The wheels of the train screeched to a halt.

They were here.

"Welcome back to London, Violet," Gilbert smiled.

Violet felt her insides freeze with dread.

Dana's doorstep was decorated with snow and a forest green wreath. Violet could not breathe. She sucked the cold air in and felt it circulate through her system but she did not feel alive anymore.

Her suspicions were growing, multiplying, teeming with theories of unsolicited information.

Dana would help her. Dana always did. Dana, dana, dana—

"Violet!" And there she was, in all her glory. Green eyes shimmering with joy and mirth, thick, blonde hair toppling down her waist.

The brunette felt enveloped by the most loving, bone crushing hug and she was home, and safe, and young and she still had her father and she was okay—

Violet liked to imagine when she was at London. London was her father's city, and he would be alive in it forevermore. When the wind kissed her cheek, she imagined it was him. When the city bustled with people, she imagined it was his love for life that caused so.

So when she was in Dana's arms, she imagined that everything was okay.

Did a tear trickle down her cheeks? Or were her senses playing tricks on her?

"Gilbert!" Dana exclaimed, "Lovely to see you again. I knew you two would get together: I was rooting for you guys. On that note, if you hurt her, I hurt you."

Gilbert chuckled, and raised his hands in defeat. His voice, however, was sincere. "I don't plan on hurting her anytime soon, Dana."

"What are you waiting for? Come on in, then." Dana grinned. "Let me show you to your rooms. Gilbert, first room upstairs to your right. Violet, you know where your room is."

"Yup," Violet beamed. She walked into her room, and gasped in surprise. It was decorated with lavenders and lilies, her favourite flowers. The walls were covered in posters of sheet music and charcoal drawings. On her desk was sweet smelling potpourri.

"Since you don't have a home in London anymore, I created a Violet room. This is your home now." Dana explained.

"Dana..." Violet hugged her ever so tightly. "Thank you."

"Of course, love."

"Can we talk, though? I've had a lot on my mind lately."

Dana smiled sadly. "I got your letter. If it's your sexuality, then I'm always here to listen and I support you no matter what. If I were in your position, I would explore. Get to know myself and what I like. But you're with Gilbert, and clearly, he feels like your soulmate. Don't give that up. That really is something... Does he know?"

"No," Violet admitted. Sighed deeply and said, "I don't know if... if he would ever accept and understand me for who I am. Because even I can't do that right now. I can't face my sexuality. I want to run away from it."

Dana's fingers were now interlaced with Violet's. "There's this- this bar that I know of. For young people, around our age and above. It has like minded people. Women who like women. Men who like men. People who don't conform to a certain gender. People who like to court all genders. Experiment. Explore. Speak to them. Your identity is nothing to be ashamed of. I know society has conditioned you to believe it is wrong or amoral, but that's rubbish. You are who you are, and who you are is perfect."

"Okay." Violet could only say, with tears streaming down her face. "Okay. There's also my father. I had this dream, recently. Reliving the day I- I-"

Dana squeezed her hand. "It's okay, Viola. Go on."

"There's this poem and- the one he made me memorise. Lately I've been questioning everything. Was his death really a suicide? I don't think he would do that... You remember Frank?"


"I think he had- something to uhm... do with this. Look at this."

She pulled out her copy of pride and prejudice and showed her the poem, and explained her hypothesis to Dana.

"Love, I think this is something you should go for. For you and your family to get closure. Investigate during Winter break. I'll help you however I can."

"Actually," Violet started. "I wonder if I could stay here with you for a while and investigate. Would that be okay?"

"Of course!" Dana exclaimed. "Oh, mother would simply be thrilled! Anything you need, and I'll be there for you. I'll always be there for you."

"I love you, Dana Williams. Profoundly."

Dana squeezed her hand. "I love you too, Violet Green. Ever so deeply."

I sort of wrote this while listening to midnights, so note the ts references! also, i love violet green so much. i love that in this rewrite, i'm tackling her mental health and highlighting her father more. because this story is not only about gilbert. it's violet's story. it revolves around her life and gilbert just happens to be in it.

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