17. parchment & poems

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Violet's laugh was warm and true.

She was at the stream, the one where she would escape to whenever she felt low. The water calmed her and humbled her: it's constant flow reminded her to persevere.

She was just a human being amongst millions of entities in the universe. Just a human being while nature flowed like her beloved stream and flourished and blossomed. What she did didn't really matter in front of the vastness of the world, not really, so she vowed to always stay true to herself.

As the Barry ball approached, she seemed to grow surer of herself. The tear that Anne's absence had caused began weaving itself, until Violet was whole and unwavering. She could live, really live now.

Lizzie was next to her. Both of Violet's solaces were right at her fingertips.

"Jesus!" Violet's laugh grew deeper once Lizzie scooped some water and drizzled it onto her. "I really regret showing you this stream."

"Hey, that's not fair!" Lizzie chuckled, "You'll pay for that!"

She scooped up some more water and Violet's dress was suddenly drenched.

"Oh you absolute wretch, I'll get you back for that," Violet's grin was mischievous as she began splashing water onto Lizzie.

"Okay, okay, I give in! I'm sorry," Lizzie exclaimed through laughter, and Violet embraced her. Lizzie hugged back and Violet was comforted.

"I've been thinking," Violet started.

"Well, that's new," Lizzie mumbled as Violet gasped in protest, "Excuse me?"

"Oh, just continue. I'm curious."

"I think that, I might be ready? For Gilbert, I mean. I think I'm finally over the situation with Anne. You know I've focused on myself and become stronger mentally, but this time I think I've gained that love for myself that I've been lacking this time. " Violet explained, blue eyes deep in thought, "I love myself. I love every aspect of me. And you've certainly helped too, Liz. Thank you."

Lizzie kissed the top of her forehead, "I'm incredibly happy for you. Doesn't Gilbert have his training with Dr. Ward right now? Go to Charlottetown, surprise him. I'll cover for you, okay?"

Violet felt warmth blooming into her cheeks at the thought of seeing him. "Okay. Wish me luck, Liz?"

Lizzie grinned, "Luck."


Charlottetown welcomed Violet like a long lost relative.

The smell of spices, the bustling aura of people everywhere, soft laughter and boisterous screams of delight—it reminded her all the more of London. Sure, it wasn't as refined. But it was the rawness of emotion portrayed in the city that drew her in.

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