27. closure at last

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• one year later •

Violet Greene ran after the masked man, a sweaty and worn out Jack chasing after the duo. She brought out her pepper spray and aimed for the man's face, the spray having no effect on the man because of his thick, black mask. They ran in a steady pace for a while, Violet's pants accumulating dirt and all sorts of dust, and Jack slowing down due to the excess exercise. They ran past buildings and houses and restaurants and all sorts of places, and about fifteen minutes into the chase, Violet had an idea. She threw her beloved pepper spray onto the man's head, the heavy metal can knocking him down with a groan.

Jack ran ahead of the now slowing down Violet, and cuffed the masked man's hands. "Do you want to do the honours or should I?" Jack asked breathlessly while wiping off the dirt and sweat off of his face. "I'll gladly do it."A spiteful Violet said with endless confidence. She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants and slowly ripped off the mask from the man's face.

It was Phillip.

The pair stood there, flabbergasted, no words formulating from the either of the two. They locked eyes, and could sense the apprehension and tension in the air. The atmosphere was silent for a few moments, until Jack finally processed the situation and spoke. "Uncle Phillip?" Jack questioned spitefully, "How could you?"

The blonde criminal in front of the duo said nothing, but in return gave them a venom filled look as Violet and Jack dragged the man to the local police station. Violet Greene presented the evidence to her contact at the police station, and he instantly put the murderer behind bars.

Phillip Jones was the murderer. Phillip Jones was the man who killed her father. Phillip Jones was the one who killed Violet's one and only lifeline. And because of him, she was alone.

Violet Greene was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the entire case; but now, it had been closed. She finally had closure, she could finally breathe. But how could it have been Phillip? He had helped them for a year, and they had done everything together. He betrayed her. He killed the one person that she loved more than everything. And then, Phillip made it seem like her father left her on purpose. Phillip made her hate her own father. And she would never forgive Phillip or herself for that..

Sitting on the bench in the police station, Violet recalled the events of the year. How every single moment of her life was dedicated to this, how she passed up every opportunity for her future just to provide herself with some closure, how she left the love of her life for this very moment, and yet, she wondered, why does life still feel so unfulfilled? So empty.

"Violet, I would like you to meet Phillip. He will be aiding our case." Jack spoke with a confident air.

Phillip jones beamed at the duo and stuck out his arm, his bushy blonde hair only adding to the so called innocence in his eyes. Violet knew that she could trust the man the moment she met him, little did she know that this would be the only time that her intuition was wrong..

"One more lead against Frank and our case will be finished!" Phillip exclaimed as the three of them hugged, his green eyes gleaming. Months and months of hard work had paid off.

"Thank you Uncle Phillip, you were a great help." Jack said sincerely.

"Thank you so so much Mr.Phillip, you're the reason that I'm finally getting some closure." Violet said as she embraced the man once more.

Violet was correct at that account, but only partly so..

"We have to inform Dana of our success." Violet told Jack, as he nodded his head.

"Cole too," Jack said while grinning. "He wrote to me last week, Vi. He's coming here. To be with me forever."

"I'm so happy for you, Jack. Truly," Violet smiled softly and embraced him tightly. If anyone deserved eternal happiness, it was Jack Jones. The boy with a mischievous grin and a heart of gold. But she couldn't help but feel something teeming in her heart, something that consumed her emotions, bit by bit. Violet couldn't help but feel alone. Empty. Desolate.

A reporter flashed a picture of the two seventeen year olds, side by side, and even though they were glistening with sweat and dirt, the pair looked stunning. Violet excused herself from the scene and waited outside the office. Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe—

"Violet!" A honeyed voice with husky undertones echoed from behind her.

Violet's doubts disappeared one by one as she saw her face. "Sylvie?"

The blonde embraced Violet tightly. "Oh, how I've missed you. It's been an entire week."

Violet felt her lips curl up, her heart pounding in her ears. "We caught him, Sylvie. We caught him."

"I'm so proud of you. I know this is all you've ever wanted..." She took Violet's hand in her own and squeezed it. "We're on for tomorrow right? Same time, same place." She whispered.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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