01. the daunting moon

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Violet tapped along the railing of her garden, looking inside her home as the last of her things were loaded inside the carriage. She was leaving. And she would never come back. The brunette fumbled with the hem of her laced purple dress, hastily getting up and groaning as her mother called her name tenderly. The duo of Greenes were moving to Avonlea, the quiet town where Violet's dear mother had grown up.

After the horrific loss of Violet's beloved father Will, Katherine Greene had decided to leave London and move back to her town. Violet was devastated. Katherine did not understand how much London meant to her— it had her dearest garden, cherished friends, and everything she could dream of. And yet Katherine chose for the two of them and decided to move to a small town. A town with no opportunity. A town that Violet assumed would tear the remains of the Greene family apart.

"Violet, you must make haste!" Katherine called out impatiently, and the blue eyed girl reluctantly sat in the carriage next to her mother. "Are you ready darling daughter?" Katherine hugged Violet warmly. "I wish I was." The strong minded girl muttered under her breathe, thankful that Katherine did not hear her.

The crowd of Avonlea was bustling as the carriage pulled in, Violet fast asleep, sheer blanket warming her delicate skin. Katherine strode out the carriage haughtily, bags trailing her. "Violet dear, you need to get up.." She shook her slowly, and Violet awoke.

"Mhm, You go ahead mother.. I'll explore Avonlea for a bit. I'll be home for dinner, I promise." Violet mumbled, Katherine only nodding.

The brunette scanned the crowd as she got down from the carriage - it was all extraordinary. In fact, too extraordinary. The faces of the residents of Avonlea were unique- eyes green, a dull blue, a dull everything. Ironically, Violet found it a bit too out of the ordinary- longing for a comfort that reminded her of home.

And she found that same comfort in a pair of welcoming hazel eyes, the sun dancing on its translucent beauty, making it sparkle in the daylight. Its owner had silky chocolate brown curls that framed his pale face ever so wonderfully, and lips that quivered into a small smile upon observing Violet's keen interest in him. Rushing past the small crowd, she bumped into that same boy - whose eyes made her feel at home.

"I- I'm sorry.." Violet murmured as she straightened her dress, dusting off the dirt from it. "It's perfectly alright.." The boy smiled at her warmly, his eyes twinkling with a gentleness that her father once possessed. His voice was steady and deep, and it made her want to listen to the sound forever.

"I need to go.. my mother is probably looking for me.." She brushed a strand of hair from her face as she lied smoothly. Something about him wanted her to stay forever, and made her stomach bubble with excitement. The warmth that radiated from his body that pulled her in, wanting to cherish his cozy personality and sparkling eyes. That exact want scared her. She had never felt this way before, not even with Jack.

It felt almost.. electrical.

An instant connection.

And she did not even know the beautiful boy's name.

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Violet looked up at the moon, the silver circle half covered by the darkness of the night. Her nightgown fluttered in the cold breeze, sending goosebumps down her spine. Despite her earlier thoughts, the girl had grown to enjoy Avonlea: the merry people, the open fields, the ponds, and the aura of positivity that surrounded her.

Anything was better than the pitying stares that she received back in London.

The stars were clear and bright – sparkling brightly and taunting the young girl's mind: she knew she wanted to reach out to the sky and grab the shimmering objects, and string them into a pearl necklace. But alas, one does not always get what they want. A candle was set aflame on her wooden desk, orange and red intertwining in the room - heat silencing the whistle of the wind.

Violet wondered.

She wondered what the world above was, what the moon and stars did to put themselves to sleep. She wondered how objects rose so high up in the sky, she wondered how something could possess such beauty. It intrigued her. The stars intrigued her. The moon intrigued her. The clouds intrigued her.

The sky intrigued her.

She twirled a delicate strand of hair in her fingers, biting her lip as she intensely gazed at the sky. The moon never shone this bright in London. It was always covered by the pollution - thick, black smoke covering the silvery trail of the moon.

She was to start school the next day, her late night thoughts wondering if she would ever find someone to connect with as she connected with her bosom friend from London - Dana Williams. Would the girls of Avonlea detest her? Violet shook her head at the thoughts that wrapped around her like poison, arms shaking at the thought of her being alone in this strange new haven.

Humming a soothing tune under her breath, she looked down at the candle.

The fiery flames had vanished into thin air, a wisp of smoke remaining.

It was time to sleep.

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