Chapter 2: What can't I know?

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George's POV

"Shut the fuck up gogy"

Dream has left the call


He just left. Dream just left. What the fuck? He's never done that before. He's never spoken to me like that before. Chats freaking out...

"Guys we haven't fallen out everything's fine he just dm'd me saying he's getting food!"

He hadn't. He just left. That was it. Tommy seemed a bit off about it aswell so it's not just me. I text dream and asked if he was okay. No reply. I was still streaming so I kept playing for an hour and then ended. I said goodbye to Tommy and ended the call too.

It was around 11pm now so I called dream. No answer. I called him 11 times. Still no answer. What the fuck. I called sapnap on discord and he answered immediately.

"Hey George what's up?"

"Sapnap I know you saw the live earlier."

An uncomfortable silence flooded the call.

"Yeah.. I uh.. I've never heard him like that before George."

"Do you know if anythings up? Is he okay?"

"George I can't be the one to tell you.. I mean.. I uh haven't talked to him since this morning and he seemed fine then. We were even talking about meeting up. He might just be having an off day."

"What do you mean you can't be the one to tell me?? What can't you tell me?"

Sapnap has left the call

What the fuck? Sapnap ASWELL. Are you fucking kidding me? I rip my headphones off and I run downstairs. I sit on the couch and I watch back the footage from my stream.

"Shut the fuck up gogy"

Suddenly my front door opens and Daniel comes in. He smiles at me and I immediately rush into his arms. I was bawling my eyes out.  Ew this is so gross. Why am I crying? And over dream?

I don't understand we fight all the time. We'll get over it. But I hate that dreams mad at me. I just want to fix it.

"Hey, George, what's up? How can I help?  I saw the stream.. is dream okay? He seemed mad."

"I..don't..know." I wailed trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, shushhh," Daniel grabbed my face in his hands and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I stared up into his blue eyes, his brown hair flopping into my vision, " it'll be okay you guys are best friends, you'll fix it."

He planted a small kiss on my lips and for a brief moment I felt right again. But then I remembered what dream had said.

I just cried more because I really hoped Daniel was right. I hoped dream would open up to me. I want to know dream. I want to know clay. He always has these walls up as dream. He keeps everything to himself and he rarely opens up to me in a form that isn't a joke.

He needs to be listened to, I can tell. I'm pretty sure he talks to sapnap about it sometimes. But is bad that I want to be that person for dream. I want to be the one he calls when he struggles. I want to be the one he calls when he's sad. I want to be his source of happiness. Because that's what best friends are for right? Best friends.

Daniel hugged me as I sobbed on the couch, playing with my hair as I slowly fell asleep. I liked Daniel alot. He made me happy.

But dream makes me a different kind of happy. Just his voice will give me butterflies. Is that wrong? I love dream but I don't think I'm in love with dream. I mean I love the way he makes me feel. Not sexually. Right? Nono he doesn't.. he shouldn't make me... No. He doesn't.

Daniel does. Yes Daniel. I think I love Daniel. That would be fitting as we've been together for 6 months. I haven't slept with him. I don't know why. I just don't see myself sleeping with him yet. That's okay right? Yeah he says he'll wait. He loves me. Why am I so unsure about loving him?

I was fast asleep until I heard my phone ring. Daniel was gone, probably in bed, it was midnight.

My face crumpled as I remembered why I was on the couch. I remembered why my face was stained with tears and my hoodie was fairly soaked.

I looked at who was calling and my heart dropped.



Chapter 2 done and done:)

Any tips plz give

The next chapters more saucy but not even CLOSE to what you'll get later on

787 words

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