Chapter 5: The Unexpected Addition

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Dream POV


"I have a girlfriend"


I panicked. I'd rather lie then confess my feelings for him right? That sounds so dumb now I say it. I fucked up. I don't have a girlfriend. How the fuck am I meant to get out of this?

"Dream I-i thought you were gay?" I heard George whisper down the call.

Yes George I am. But not anymore clearly. I now have a girlfriend. I DONT LIKE GIRLS. Oh my god what the fuck did I do. My head is spinning I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I need water. George is still on the call. I have to say something.

"I..yes..but I mean.. yes but it's different." It's different???

"How is it different, dream? Please explain this to me. This all makes no sense. Does sapnap know?"

"It's just different with her, okay George? And no sapnap doesn't know. It's difficult to come out and then tell your friends you have a girlfriend, okay?"

"But dream, sapnap was the one that hinted to me you had a "girlfriend". Now you're telling me that he doesn't know? He's the reason we are having this conversation, you know the whole 'i can't be the one to tell you' crap he was on about." George takes a deep breath, "dream what's her name?"


"Excuse me?"

Oh fuck. I said that out loud?? This is too difficult.

"Look, George. I can't explain this all right now. It's too complicated. We haven't been together long and I'm confused, okay? She's called Eleanor and she's beautiful and I think I love her but then again, that would go completely against my label. But love is love right? So it doesn't matter if it's a boy, a girl, my neighbour or my best friend I should be allowed to love them right? Everyone deserves love. And I don't think I should resrict my love for someone with a label. I might not even be gay anymore, George. Who cares? It doesn't matter to anyone but me."

That was a load of complete bullshit. What did I just say? Labels?!! Not to mention the fact I emphasised best friend like that.

"Woah... Dream. Are you okay?"

"Yes George I'm fucking brilliant. Actually, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

I hung up.

George's POV

What the fuck just happened?
Dream has a girlfriend.
And he "might not even be gay anymore"
How does that even happen? I'm telling you it doesn't. Why's he so angry at me? I was concerned. I didn't expect him to have a whole essay prepared on why "love is love" and "labels don't matter". Dream can love whoever he wants. I don't care. I just really really want him to still love me.

Theres no way he's kept that from me. I'm his best friend. And to tell sapnap but not me. But also he said he didn't tell sapnap? I'm so confused.

I rang sapnap immediately. I burst out crying. This seemed unfair but I'm not sure why. This was dream I should be happy for him. I gathered my thoughts, wiped my eyes and I explained everything to sapnap. All of it. And at the end, he just fucking laughed at me.

"What the fuck sapnap? I just poured my heart out to you and you're laughing at me?"

"I really don't get why you're crying George."

"B-because he snapped at me, that's why. He was shouting at me for a good 5 minutes okay? He's scary. I don't understand why you're laughing. For fuck sake, none of this is funny."

"Yes George, you see it's quite simple. Dream doesn't have a girlfriend you absolute idiot."

Im not an idiot. Dreams just spent 10 minutes ranting at me about how he definitely does have a girlfriend so sapnap really didn't listen when I just told him everything. I'm not even surprised.

"He literally just shouted at me about how does. Sapnap what are you talking about?"

"George don't you see? Dreams jealous. He's so so jealous."

"Of what? I don't understand." I complained.

"Oh it's not a 'what' George, it's a 'who'."

What the fuck is sapnap on about?

"Sapnap just get to the point. Who's he jealous of?"

"Why, my dear Georgie, he's jealous of your lovely boyfriend, Daniel."

Ew i can't believe he fucking called me Georgie. And what has Daniel got to do with any of this? My heart is racing. What is he talking about?

"Okay, now I know you're taking the piss, why the fuck would he be jealous of Daniel."

"Because dream loves you George. He's always loved you."

What the fuck.



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