Chapter 3: Can I fix this?

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Dream POV

I woke up. I was sweating. It was hot it was so hot. It's not actually hot in my room so what the fuck? Oh. Then I remembered. Not only did I fuck up with George last night, I just had an awful nightmare.

I was with George. Like actually with him. I could feel him. He was warm and gentle. I was wearing my mask. It was awful. I couldn't breathe. George saw me struggling so he came close. Like so fucking close. He traced my jawline with his finger and slowly tipped up my mask. Except he didn't like what he saw. And he made it obvious. His face crumpled and he ran. He ran away from me.

But that's not real and George would never do that. Right? Fuck. I should call George, right? What time is it? It's 5am. What time will it be for George? I don't know. I'm too flustered to think. This isn't a good idea. But I pressed George's number and dialled it anyway.

It rung twice before he picked up.


"Dream.." he said but he sounded nervous, almost scared.

"George about earlier, I.."

"Dream I'm so sorry I don't know what boundaries I pushed but I didn't mean to upset you. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do. And in terms of how you feel you don't have to tell me any of that either I just.."

Oh no. He knows I love him. He knows I'm in love with him. What the fuck do I do?? I'll play it cool. I don't know what he's talking about.

"In terms of how I feel? What do you mean 'in terms of how I feel'?"

"Well sapnap said you were having a bad day, I was just worried. What else would I have meant?"

For fuck sake Sapnap.

"Nothing, George look. I'm not mad at you. You didn't overstep any boundaries okay? You did nothing wrong. I love you George, you could never upset me."
He could hear George sigh on the other end of the line, a sigh of relief.

I continued not knowing where this was going in the slightest, "it's just that whenever I mention you coming to visit me, you always put it off. Last week you suddenly had to go see Daniel, this week you started streaming. I don't get it. Do you not want to see me or am I just completely missing something here?"

"Okay first, why the fuck did you say Daniel like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you hated him"

"George I didn't say it like that okay, you're being dramatic."

"Okay, ouch. And I do want to meet you dream I've just never seen you before and I'm well.. I'm.."

"Say it George. I want to hear it."

"You don't know what im going to say dream shut up. You don't know how I feel."

"So you aren't nervous? You aren't afraid of seeing me and not being able to control yourself because I'm just that pretty."

"Yeah no, that's definitely not it but nice try though dream."

I'm slightly hurt. Just slightly though. It doesn't bother me that much.

"God, well a man can dream.."

"Oh my god can you just shut up about yourself for two seconds."

"You know you love it."

I could hear him smiling through his next words.. "and what if I did?"

I'm sorry, what?

"What if you did what? What, George?"

"What if I liked the way you made me blush? Hmm what would you say then? What if I said I liked the way you make me flustered and the way you talk to me when we're alone? What would you do then dream?"


"Cmon dream, don't back out now. You always like to take it this far."

"Yeah but George I know you'd tell me to stop if it was too far. And you've never told me to stop. And in terms of making you blush, I like it George. I like it when you're all rosy cheeked and giggly, it turns me on. Like really turns me on. You make me feel things George, and I mean really feel. I want to make you feel loved, like really loved. I want to fuck the living daylight out of you at night, and then bring you breakfast in bed in the morning. I want to be with you, I want to know what you like and I want to make you scream. Is that what you wanted to hear George?"

That's what i wished I had said right then and there. But I couldn't. He had a boyfriend. He was happy.

Instead, I just replied with, "George stop flerting with me oh my god chilllllll."

"Clay." He NEVER calls me clay.


"Be serious."

I am being serious what does he mean?

"Okay I am, now what?"

"If I was to fly out," I already dont like where this is going. "Then I'd be bringing Daniel with me."

Great. Fucking Daniel.


845 words


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