Chapter 8: He was Finally Here

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Dream POV

He was here. I'd just got a text off George saying he had landed. We were in the same building. I'd arrived an hour earlier with sapnap, who was now searching for food as usual. George should be coming into view anytime soon.

I was excited. More than excited. It made the anxiety go away. I just really wanted to see George. I was going to see George. It doesn't seem real to me. A couple of days ago this was all just an idea. Now it's reality. My reality. It's ridiculous how many emotions I feel right now. I didn't even know this was humanly possible.

My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a message from George. He was here. In this airport. Right now. And he was on his way to where I was. I started pacing the corridor in anticipation. I bet I looked like such an idiot. I stopped. I didn't want to seem weird in front of George.

And there he was. My anxiety returned. He was shorter, his hair was darker in real life but his rosy cheeks and his brown eyes were much more obvious and I loved it. He hadn't seen me yet. I told him what I was wearing, my 10 mil merch and some jeans, so he could pick me out from the crowd. He picked up his bag.

My heart was racing, he'd see me soon. Like actually see me. Fuck. He's gorgeous. What if I'm not good enough? What if he expects more? Oh no this was a bad idea. What if he doesn't like me? What if hes scared of me? Like in that stupid fucking dream I had.

I turn to hide my red face and I hear a quiet but very clear, "dream?".
I turned and I was face to face with him.

I was face to face with Georgenotfound.

"George!" He recognised my voice and his smile grew exceptionally large. He ran up to me and flew himself at me, and I caught him in a careful hug. He fit me perfectly. I could feel his heart near mine and his breath down my neck, I'd never felt more alive.

"Dream, you're gorgeous." George whispered into my ear.

I started blushing profusely and he only found this more funny.

"Thankyou George, but you didn't tell me you were prettier in person."

It was his turn to blush. We seperated and I grabbed his bags. I texted sapnap to meet us by the car. We started making our way out of the crowded airport. This was all so... new?

Sapnap was already there when we got to the car and he did his whole meeting George thing and they hugged and it was great bla bla bla.

I assisted George and his bags into the car. Sapnap could figure it out on his own. It's not that I don't care about sapnap I just wanted to please George.

God this feels like a dream. He's sat next to me. He's within my reach. Without thinking, I grabbed George's hand. I squeezed it once and he squeezed my hand back without even looking. I let go to start the car and I could see sapnap winking in the back through the mirror. Very off-putting.

I hope George didn't think that the whole hand grab thing was weird. It was my way of showing gratitude. For him being here. And I guess it's also a way of me showing that I care about him and that I  appreciate him alot.

George's POV

Dream is beautiful. He has this medium-length, wavy, dirty blonde hair and these bright emerald green eyes. He has these cute freckles splashed across his face. He was gorgeous. When he squeezed my hand I figured it was his way of saying I love you. So I did it back. And he grinned. And his smile oh my god his smile. It's contagious.

He was so tall. He was so fucking tall but when I hugged him, it felt right. I threw my hands round his neck and he settled his abnormally large hands around my waist. It didn't feel the same as hugging sapnap. Sapnaps hug felt like friendship. And I think that dreams hug felt like more? I don't know. I loved it either way.

We were driving to what I assumed was dreams house, he said it wasn't far but I didn't mind. I could sit and watch dream drive for hours. The way that one hand was gripping the steering wheel and the other was either raking through his hair or on the gearstick, it was great to watch.

Sapnap however, snoring in the back, was alot to deal with. He was either hyper or asleep. No in-between. I'm so glad I decided to stay for the 2 weeks because sapnap leaves after the first, which turns our trio into two. Down to me and dream. Alone.

I listened to music for the rest of the journey, and the way dream gripped the steering wheel and tapped to the beat, it made me feel safe. Dream felt like home.


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