Chapter 30: Consciousness (George's POV)

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George's POV

My sight was limited. My whole body was aching and everything felt unnecessarily heavy. I looked down, and I saw the bed. The blanket. The tubes. The wires. The lack of colour - in the walls, not me. Though j was actually unusually pale.

I was in hospital.

How long have I been here? Wheres dream? I felt my chest concave and I couldn't find a way to breathe. My lungs just didnt want to fill. Was I having a panic attack? Why was I so scared? Why did I feel so vulnerable? And where the fuck was dream?

Suddenly, the door creeped open and I froze. In came a familiar boy, blonde messy hair, eyes tired and hands shaking.


"George.." he stood, closing the door behind him. He stood still. Very still.

Why wasn't he coming over? What happened?

I held my arms out, expecting a hug at least. He didn't move. My arms flopped to my side and he started crying. Silently.

"What happened, dream?"

"You don't remember?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I did."

He stood, biting his lip.

"I'm so sorry George."

He looked away.

"What happened?? You're scaring me."

He turned back to face me. He looked scared. He looked guilty.

I could feel a lump finding its way to my throat and my eyes started to wet. I wasn't going to cry. I wiped my eyes aggressively and looked straight at dream.

"Tell me what happened."

"You don't remember the pool?"

Then it hit me.

The memories were flooding back. Sneaking into the pool with Sapnap. Dream finding us and then joining us. Our splash battle. Mine and sapnaps plan. Dream not letting go. Me going under...

Then it was blank.

Everything was blank.

There was nothing else.

Oh god. The meeting. Fuck.

"What time is it?"

"It's 2pm."

"Okay." I turned onto my side, not wanting to face him. He'd done this. Not on purpose. But I was tired and I was angry and I needed to leave this fucking hospital.



"What do you want me to do?"

"Wheres sapnap?"

"Hes downstairs..."



"I want to see him."

"Okay. I'll go get him."

He shuffled out the room. He didn't close the door fully. I could see him pacing in the hallway, crying down the phone to who I assumed was sapnap. He put the phone down and sat on one of the waiting room chairs, hands pulling at his hair. He was shaking and I felt awful. He didn't mean it. I'm okay. I'm alive. I love him and that isnt going to change because of some stupid mistake.

I sat up, I was slow in doing it but I did do it. I went to call for him, but my voice was hoarse, broken.

When it eventually came out, his name was an indistinguishable scream and he immediately came running.

Anything For You, George - {DNF} //BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now