Chapter 11: Welcome to the Beach

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Dream POV

George kissed me.


I'm so confused. I can't do this. I pulled away.


I grabbed my phone. I ran downstairs. I was pissed. Sapnap tried to stop me but I left. I got in the car. And I drove. I kept driving. I'm so confused. "George isn't ready for you" WHAT? If George wasn't ready for me, then what the fuck was that.

I blasted music so loud I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. I rolled the window down and pressed hard on the pedals. I was going fast. So fucking fast. This right here, the feeling of the wind through my hair and the other cars and houses flying past, this is what made me feel alive. This and anytime George looked my way.

Fuck. George.

I decided I didn't want a speeding ticket so I slowed down. Didn't want to be dealing with a fine as well as George and Sapnap.

I pulled up to a small store. I bought some alcohol. I don't know what. I don't drink. It was strong though, that's all I needed. I parked the car in a lot and I walked to the beach. It wasn't far. A mile or two.

I was getting call after call from sapnap and George. I didn't want to answer. Fuck them.

I got to the beach and I drank. Well done clay, this is such a successful trip. I'm so proud of you. Your idiotic feelings ruined everything.

My phone's ringing again. George. What does he want? To confuse me? It's working.

I took another swig. This really fucking burns. People do this for fun?

I realise I haven't eaten all day. I've drunk half the bottle. This is going to hit me and hard. I couldn't drive back. I knew where I was but it was a long walk home. It's okay. I'll deal with it.

It was almost dark, the sun was setting. It was beautiful. I knew George would love it. I also know he can't see half the colours but I just know he'd look at it like he looked at the houses. In complete awe.

He called me again. This time, I picked up.

George POV

Finally, he picked up.

"Dream where are you? Look I know I pushed too far, okay? I was just confused with the whole supermarket situation and all the Daniel stuff I'm going through. I just didnt-"

"Am I a rebound George?" I heard his voice crack and it broke me. It sounded like he was crying. He sounded drunk.

"No no dream of course not. I love you and I need to know where you are so I can bring you back sa-"

"I'm in love with you George." He was definitely drunk.

"I know."

"Do you love me?"

"Yes of course I love you, you're my best friend."

"George you know that's not the question I was asking."

"I know but-"

"Answer the fucking question George." His voice had a stern undertone but he still sounded choked.

"I don't know, dream. I don't know if I'm in love with you."

"But you kissed me. You fucking kissed me." He was definitely crying now.

"I know and I'm sorry, it was in the moment."

"In the moment? You're fucking killing me  George. You know that right?"

"I know. And I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about it if you don't tell me where you are. Dream? Where are you?"

He was full on sobbing now. I had to refrain from letting go and crying with him. But I needed to be strong. I fucked up and dream needed my help.

He spat out an almost-address and then ended the call. By almost-address I mean he gave us the name of a beach and where he was parked. I tried to call him back. I needed to hear his voice.

I needed to know he was okay.

I got sapnap to drive, I was too worked up to even think about getting behind the wheel. My head was spinning. What have I done?

We arrived and I spotted dreams car instantly. Except he wasn't in it. I screamed for him. There were quite a few drunks out. One of them was particularly big and rowdy. He was with two of his friends and they were smoking out the back of a truck. That terrified me.

I kept calling for dream. Sapnap went one way and I went the other. I was alone, looking for someone who doesn't even want to be found.

Suddenly, I heard a whistle. A wolf-whistle, to be precise. I turned and the big man was walking my way.

"Hello beautiful, you look lost. Trying to find a friend?"

"I-i I am actually. H-have you s-seen him?"

"No, but if you get in my truck, I'll show you around? I'll show you a good time that's for sure."

His friends snickered. His mouth turned into an upwards grin and i was frozen.

These guys were much bigger than me. There was nothing I could do. They started circling me like I was fucking prey.

"Back the fuck up." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Excuse me?" The big guy said.

"I said, back the fuck up." It was a slightly slurred, very drained looking dream. He had tear stains but they weren't obvious. He also had a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Expensive whiskey. It was empty.

"Dream we should go."

"No George, I have some things to clear up all of a sudden." He dropped the bottle. It smashed and I flinched. I didn't like this side of dream.

I whispered, "you don't have to do this."

"Yes, yes I do. Anything for you George." And he gave me a not-so-reassuring smile.

The big guy took the first swing and missed completely. Dream took the next and hit him square in the face. He took the guys now bleeding jaw into his hands and rammed his face to his knee. He kicked him in the stomach and the guys friends launched themselves at dream.

He fought them off again and again and all I could do was watch. I couldnt move. My feet wouldnt allow it. I started crying. I was shaking. Dream looked insane right now. I couldn't see his face but I don't know if I wanted to.

He knocked one guy clean out on the floor, and that's when the big guy decided to stop. He raised his hands and quietly pleaded, "stop."

"I'm sorry what? I didn't quite catch that." I heard dream whisper.

Dreams POV

"Please, stop."

"Yeah no sure, of course. Not a problem. I won't be seeing you again, any time soon. I'm glad we sorted this whole mishap. And if you even think about going near George again, I swear to god you won't even be able to think, never mind ask me to stop."

I threw one last punch at the guy's friend then let him drop to the floor. I turned around to look at George for the first time, properly. He was shaking. He was crying.

He looked scared, but not of the guys writhing in pain on the floor.

No no, George looked scared of me.



So obviously, George just kissed dream and dream got confused and angry because he was told he couldn't do that  in order to protect George's feelings.

This then led to dream leaving the house to buy alcohol, he drove to a beach and when George came to find him, he was cat-called by a group of 3 men which dream miraculously beats up. George is now scared of dream due to the fact he won viciously in a 3 on 1 fight.


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