Chapter 37: Stubborn, I Guess

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I know I said he needed to recover and rest, but later that night, we were going to have some fun.


George POV

I was pissed off. He was teasing me on purpose.

We had barely been alone for four whole days and when we are he won't even kiss me without me begging for it.

I did what he said and went to go get sapnap. The whole time he was cooking it did look really good and it smelt delicious too. I'm just too annoyed to admit that to him right now.

Sapnap and I walked into the dining room. I hadn't been in here much but it was one of the most delicate rooms in the house. It was formally decorated and it wasn't the same as any other room. It definitely wasn't decorated by Clay, that's for sure.

I asked sapnap what he wanted to drink and he wanted a coke. I hesitantly went back to the kitchen to get us both one. I walked in and Clay was moving the hot pan from one side to the other. As he did so, his muscles flexed and he furrowed his brows in concentration. That and the messy, disheveled atmosphere added to how hot he looked.

I pretended not to notice though, walking right past him. I only caught his attention when I bent down to pick up the fork I had 'dropped'. I didn't mean to drop it I was just staring at him and it slipped. I think the noise scared him, though, which is rather funny.

I stood up slowly, carrying on like nothing happened. I picked out knives and forks for everyone and got mine and sapnaps drinks. I left soon after, cheeks burning because I knew Clay's eyes didn't stop staring at me once during my trip.

I returned to the table and Clay came in carrying trays and bowls. It looked really good. But again, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that. I was just stubborn, I guess. He sat down next to me and dished everything out. When did this man learn how to cook?

We ate bringing up small talk. Nothing exciting, unsurprisingly, as nothing apart from actual hell had occurred in the past week and no one wanted to bring that up. I finished eating and only then did I notice a hand creep it's way onto my thigh. I immediately shook it off, scowling at Clay. He just grinned and continued talking to sapnap. He tried again not that long after and he squeezed my leg, causing me to react in an obscene way.

I just moaned in front of sapnap.

After doing so, sapnap stood up, said "I think that's enough for me for one night. Please don't be loud. My Christian ears can't take much more of this." And then he left.

I immediately hit Clay, complaining.

"Why would you do that??"

"Why'd you moan?"

"I didn't mean to, it was meant to be more of a scream.. but anyways. That's not the point. Not in front of sapnap. Ever."

"To be fair, I didn't realise you were going to react that way. It doesn't matter, sapnap will recover. Go upstairs, sit on the bed, I'm going to clear up."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because judging by how you just reacted, you want me George. Dare I even say, you need me. So go. Now."

I nodded, face bright red. Oh my god.

I basically sprinted up the stairs, almost tripping. I flung myself into the room and climbed onto the bed. It was happening. It was finally happening.

Wait. Oh no. I've never done this before.

Oh fuck.

What do I even do? What if I don't like it? What if I do it wrong? Can I do it wrong? What can go wrong? I can't deal with this. If I'm this stressed, I shouldn't do it right? We shouldn't do this. I went into the bathroom, locking myself in. I couldn't breathe.

My head was pounding.

Why do I feel like I've let him down?

Clay would understand, I knew he would. He wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do. I still wanted to do things I just didn't want to go the whole way. That would be okay, right? I was sat, back against the door, knees up to my chest, head in hands. I heard footsteps come in the room. Oh god. Oh no.

He shuffled around for a bit, ending up next to the bathroom door. There was a small knock.

"George? Are you okay? We don't have to do anything right now. I'm sorry if I was too forward. We'll go at your pace baby, just come out of the bathroom, okay?"

I was almost crying. He was so sweet.


"One more minute."

"Okay, I'll be right outside, waiting. Take all night if you need. I won't try anything, we don't have to do anything. I'll just be here. We can sleep or we can watch a film. We can just talk if you want to. I just want you to know you're the one making the moves here George and I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with."

I opened the door, shoulders hunched, head bowed.

"I'm sorry.."

He pulled me in for a hug almost immediately.

"Don't apologise. You've done nothing wrong. It's okay. We are both okay. Nothing needs to happen."

"I know but I just..."

"Shhh. Nothings needs to happen."

I didn't argue. I just nodded.

"Do you want to sleep? Watch a film?"

"Sleeping sounds good right now."

"Okay George. Then let's sleep."

He kissed the top of my head, letting his arms fall to his side. He went to the bed and peeled the covers back. He stood presenting his newly formed space in the bed and I laughed at him. He slid onto the bed and patted the space beside him. I happily walked over and joined him, slotting myself in between his legs, my head on his chest, and my arms wrapped around his torso.He was slowly coursing his hands through my hair as I began to drift off.

At least sapnap didn't have to worry about his 'Christian ears' tonight.


1113 Words

So, there might be more chapters to this story than intended and it might take a little longer for me to write because I need the ending ones to be perfect

So you may just have to be a little patient with me over the next couple days...

But other than that, I hope you're having a wonderful day!!

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