Chapter 41: The End...Or Is It?

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Here we are.

The final stretch.

I hope you're ready...

George POV
(For the last time)

Me and Clay walked back to the car, heads bowed, hand in hand. We were sad but it would get easier. It was quiet without sapnap. Less hectic.

I hopped into the passenger seat, once again.

"I already miss him."

"I know, George. He'll come back. We'll be together again. The dream team. I promise."

I completely forgot that I'd have to go back soon too. Well, I say soon, but I had at least five more weeks of Clay to myself. Fun.

We'd just got back from the airport after dropping sapnap off. Clay immediately slumped onto the couch and I clambered on top of him, our legs entwined and my arms hugging his torso. He played with my hair as we lay in silence. I think that the silence was abnormally loud right now so Clay bluetoothed to his built-in speakers and played some songs. They were soft songs. Completely different from his normal style.

This was all so different. This seemed lonely. I knew I wasn't alone but sapnap was such a big proportion of my day that it just seems so empty now.

"I love you, George."

"I love you too."

"You're beautiful."


"I mean it."

"I know you do. That's why I'm blushing."

"You're so cute sometimes, you know that right?"

"Seriously, stop it."

"Complimenting you?"

"You know I don't know how to respond."

"Seeing you try to reply is just as fun."

"You're so annoying Dreamwastaken."

"Only for you Georgenotfound."

He sighed and kissed the top of my head.

Clays breathing slowed and I knew he was sleeping. I don't blame him. We didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't help my eyes from closing too.


I awoke to Clay shaking me and telling me to wake up. He told me to get changed, put something warm on. We were going on a night drive apparently.

I did exactly that. I put layers upon layers of clothes on and even stole one of his coats. I waddled downstairs in my thick coating of clothes and giggled as he rolled his eyes at me.

"I told you to put on something warm, not my whole wardrobe."

"It'll keep me warm, won't it?"

"True true."

I saw clay bend down and pick some things up.

"What's that?"

"Matches and some gasoline."

"Why? What, are we committing arson?"

"Yes." He was smirking.


"Yes." He was still smirking.


"Just come with me, George. It'll make sense when we're there."

Anything For You, George - {DNF} //BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now